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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photo Odyssey Galleries >> Photo Odyssey Favorite Galleries >> Cajun Country 2008-9 Gallery > Lake Martin Dawn 46686
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Lake Martin Dawn 46686

Photographed near Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, USA.

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Dean Hueber27-Mar-2021 06:36
WOW!!!! Stunning!!!!
Guest 04-May-2009 19:40
Voted! I'm hoping to go camping near Louisiana in the next few weeks here. I'm hoping for a beautiful sunrise over the swamps so we can take a canoe out!!!
Guest 28-Apr-2009 12:08
Great shot. Lovely colours and the mist gives it a calm feeling. V
Guest 22-Apr-2009 20:19
Excellent shot, wonderful colors, all the elements with the birds adding the final touch,
well done.
Lieve Snellings17-Apr-2009 19:41
so fantastic image, just wonderful, BV
Zane Paxton17-Apr-2009 10:17
Beautiful image Gordon!
fredrcox17-Apr-2009 10:09
Very nice!
Gayle P. Clement17-Apr-2009 00:47
Gorgeous, Gordon. I love that sky.
Hernan E. Enriquez17-Apr-2009 00:30
Beautiful Grdon!