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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon EOS Kiss Digital X in Japan.
Also known as Canon EOS 400D
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Marketed: 24-Aug-2006
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 10.1
Random Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi Samples from 415105 available Photos more
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lisamidi04-Oct-2009 18:12
Nice entry and great composition.
Guest 25-Dec-2008 10:43
Compact and lightweight, it feels very comfortable in my hand. I have some pictures with ef 50mm 1.8 here:
Guest 19-Sep-2008 01:34
Hellow guys,

I just love this camera! I upgrade from a compact and it's soo amazing! I combine them with a Canon 70-200 F4L, Tamron 17-50 2.8 and Speedlite 430EX. Two years and I have no problems at all, recomend!

You can see some photos with this combination at

Guest 02-Apr-2008 11:29
It's a great traveller's camera especially when combined with the Sigma 28 - 200mm lens.
I dragged mine through most of New Zealand as well as the Libyan Desert just as I used it to take pictures at family events or in my hometown Vienna and it never disappointed me.
You just have to keep in mind that the automatic tends to take very bright pictures and often it's a good idea to underxpose by 1 - 2 stops.
Guest 17-Mar-2008 06:14
Love it!
Guest 02-Mar-2008 17:22
I use the xti it's a great camera. Hey guys enough with the charts! These comments are about the xti not all kinds of other cameras.. No one cares about your opinions on various cameras. People want to see about the xti on this section.
Barry S Moore02-Oct-2007 22:54
I have taken over 10,000 images on my EOS 400D and this marvelous camera has not missed a beat. The camera has met my expectations and beyond.
The things I really like.

Fast auto focusing even in lowlight. ISO to 1600 with very acceptable noise for photography without flash. Large and accurate LCD for reviewing photos. Easy to use click wheel for exposure adjustments and review in magnified view. Kit lens has a good macro range without extension tubes ( I now have these and they are excellent value). Colour balance and exposure are excellent although it tends to underexpose 1/2 stop on "auto" with the 18-55mm kit lens (I use P mode anyway). Exposure with the 17-85mm IS is accurate. Auto cleaning is a must.

Things I would improve. Kit lens not as sharp as the 17-85mm IS lens but acceptable. A direct preview (AKA 40D) would be great as well as a fold out LCD ( I bought the S3 IS for these features). Battery door worries me as even if its a fraction open the camera won't work....oh and why doesn't cannon offer SD memory in its DSLR's. I don't want to get a bent pin in the compact flash slot and a big service bill (I am very very careful changing cards as a result).

All in All a great camera with no problems of any consequence. I enjoy its point and shoot possibilities and its ability to get creative as well in sports and night time scenes. Ability to use ISO 1600 is fantastic, but ISO 400 is where I usually leave the setting. I am still learning all about the other features, which makes it an enthusiasts dream camera.

Have a look at some of my favourite images at , , , , and

Guest 30-Jul-2007 21:05
Compact and lightweight, it feels very comfortable in my hand. I have some pictures with ef 50mm 1.8 here:
Guest 26-Jul-2007 18:26
I bought a Canon Digital Rebel xti in March and love it. I used it this weekend and the next morning when I got up and turned it on it would not come on. I have charged the battery and still will not come on. I have tried switching out both batteries with another camera that has the same size batteries and still would not come on. Does anyone know what might be wrong with it?
Guest 20-Jul-2007 01:26
An AMAZING camera... the best I've used so far. Wonderful for portraits.
Guest 22-Jun-2007 01:34
It's been a best seller for a few months now - beating Nikon in sales! A great camera for sure.
Guest 28-Mar-2007 14:34
Squeezing 2 more megapixel in the same size has the effect of making my tamron 28-75 XR look a bit more to a good/average quality lense. In the 350d that I also had the photos from that lense looked much crispier and the lense gave me the feeling that was excellent. I am not exagerating.
I tested also the canon 100 2.0 USM and still looked very good but after 60 photos I can definitely say that in 350d the photos from that lense looked a bit more sharp.
It is a good match for the 400d and pulls out more resolution,in contrast to the tamron 28-75 which is not any more a good match with 400d.

My conlusion is, that this camera is more demanding on good lenses than the 350d in terms of the photo / sharpness effect that I personally favor.
If you dont plan to invest on very good quality lenses buy the 350d , your photos will look nicer.
Guest 24-Jan-2007 15:38
I have the 400D/XTI now for 2 months up from the 350D .. I have never been happier with the upgrade.. The camera is the exact same size as the 350 not as someone mentioned..
I use the canon grip,Canon 75-300 IS USM, Canon 10-22USM, Canon 24-105L IS USM and the 8mm sigma. You can see some of my photography at.. you can also join our grou at we are a great bunch..
Guest 11-Jan-2007 18:53
Jump up from point and shoot camera and I got this Xti. All I can say is Wowww!!!
I took alot of photos w/ kit lens, it was fairly sharp. But when I took a photos w/ Canon 70-200 f/4 L USM and 50mm f/1.4 USM the results was really a big different, tack sharp, good colors and contrast, etc. I felt no regrets spend my money for the camera and the lenses. The camera is a Big Bang for the bucks w/ features from 30D and even 5D.
Overall, I like everything from this camera, never had any problem. Never look back to point and shoot camera again!!!
Guest 09-Jan-2007 16:44
Just got a 400D. Using iPhoto on an Apple Power Mac (OS 10.4). Camera came with warning not to connect to a computer priot to installing the software that came with it. I previously had a Canon digital point and shoot. The software that came with it was sad. Does anyone know, do I need to install the Canon software to protect the camera, or can I just continue to use iPhoto?? Thanks
Guest 29-Nov-2006 11:13
Just got my hands on a 400D after starting out on the 350D at the start of the year. Shooting with a 50mm f/1.8 in RAW format has opened a whole new level of detail so far. The camera is a bit smaller than the 350D but the optional battery grip gives the camera decent size and feel and the larger LCD screen is a definite plus. I think this camera will most definitely benefit from fast lenses. My first day with it has been a pleasure and I'm looking forward to doing more with it in the coming weeks and months.
Guest 24-Nov-2006 03:18
I just bought this camera after learning photography on a Canon powershot A80. After 3 weeks of experiment I love it. The XTI just deliver everything I wanted in a camera. Now I can progress in my learning experience. My portrait gallery is where I started to use it.
Guest 15-Nov-2006 11:44
It´s the best choice for a good price, a bought it and is doing very good photos, you can see my galeries in my webpage if you want, most of the photos were taken with this camera. Enjoy Seone from Spain I will wait for your comments in the web. Thanks
Guest 14-Oct-2006 02:25
People are dumb, and newbees will buy into more megapixel. Canon as the apex maker of cameras at the current time had to come out wit a camera like this to compete with the sony 10mp CCD which nikon and several other makers snatched up.

More pixels doesn't always mean more noise. SOmeone said this camera will have more noise than the 350d, well the 350d has much less noise than the 300d (6.3mp). I've used this camera and see slightly less noise than my rebel xt (350d).

It's not worth upgrading for me, and the jump from the 300d to the 350d was much larger with several new (20d) features such as selectable auto focus modes etc.

I have an Canon eos 1d Mark II, which shoots 8.5fps at 8.2mp, and if i were to buy this 10mp camera, it's not like i would use it over my EOS1d mark II. So an upgrade for me is pointless. I would much rather have a canon 20d instead of a 350d or 400d as a backup camera.

I think this camera will sell like crazy, being cheaper than the nikon and sony, (the other top two with 10mp).
Guest 28-Sep-2006 14:13
Gotta say im a little disappointed at the comments in this camera.

Sure, its not worth upgrading from a 350d for.. but someone going to a new digital slr from either film, p&s or a must older slr cant go wrong.

Mysum if you think the dust reduction is no use, then your in for a shock. It was put on because of the semi-pro crowd who have been whinging about this for practically ever and were of the assumption canon "wouldnt even regonise that the problem exists". A program MAY remove the APPEARANCE of dust from a photo but interpolation just means loss of your image, not removal of the dust.

As for 10v8mp in terms of noise, go bother checking out the real reviews out there, most say its better (or at worst the same) as previous cameras and the raw performance is quite impressive.

and lastly, "-When I say the file is big, we're looking at around 32mb kind of size." where on earth did you pull that from?!?! the RAW output is around 10mb and your average tool who's going to be sending photo's probably wont even be shooting in raw in the first place. I mean 32mb, where on earth could you possibly get a figure like that from!?!?

As for the removal of the small panel and putting everything on the colour LCD, this is a genious step as far as im concerned, that little panel was a bitch in low-light situations and thank god thats not going to be a problem anymore.

As for battery consumption who cares if it does shorten the life of the camera even if it halved the life (which it certianly doesnt) of a single battery they are pretty dam cheap i have no problem wandering around with a spare.

You think this will be an unpopular camera? i think it'll outstrip both the 300d and the 350d in terms of sales. Unless canon come out with a new version very soon, the 400d has alot of very important fixes over the 350d and no doubt alot of people will take a serious look at this camera

I've been trying to decide whether to upgrade to the 30d for some time, and now the 400d is here im really torn. I plan on waiting for dpreview's review, but i took both the 400d and the 30d for a spin on the weekend thanks to a friend. Very impressed with both, ignoring the 30d's smaller sensor size, its hard to go for the 30d.

Lastly, on AF, the d80 is certainly good in terms of accuracy but not speed (ok, so speed without accuracy is pointless). But, a good usm lens will lock quicker than the d80's equivalent and the accuracy is only a small issue that really doesnt rear its head very often at all.

The d80 does have features which make it look nicer than the 400d (useable features that is), but I always said i switched to canon digital (from nikon film) for the lenses and that imho is where canon really has excelled.
Lou Giroud22-Sep-2006 09:51
There is some of what mysum says here that might be right, some is simply stupid.
There is a fact that one doesn't needs that much pixels for a consumer camera. More pixels on same chip size will just generate more noise but on the other side more sharpness and contrasts on shots. But, cheating softwares progress as well and Canon and Nikon produce excellent 1600 iso shots out of there new 10 mpix consumer gear.
Picture size increases for sure. Saying that this has advantage on cropping is bullshit. Best is to frame correctly and you won't need any crop. Concerning picture size, resizing with special softs is not a problem and you can get your full frame sized to just any suitable format anyway.
The consumer market is business and here the only thing that counts is making money.
Now, I have seen and tried this camera as well. Compared to the Nikon D80, she makes the same good picture. Nikons AF is fairly better and noise is handeled in exellent way in both cameras. For the beginner, the Canon is a bargain when one considers the price. But, this will again be balanced when one has to buy lenses since all Canon lenses have integrated motors while Nikon lenses are quite cheeper.
The picture on both cameras is consumer high contrasted digital looking pictures and the ones one can see online here show this in a clear way. Comparing this to some older Canon cameras makes sense. The first Rebels had still this smooth looking silky pictures while this one now makes razor sharp high contrast shots where all seems to be limited by a razor blade and cut out with a cutter. Simply said, just digital and here again, it's a question of appreciation and taste.
I had no occasion to change parameters on any of the both cameras, D80 and Rebel 400.
Also I had no experience with RAW shooting on both.
So, saying now that a 10 mpix is useless is an opinion I will not discuss. All chips higher then 6 mpix on small pocket cameras are for sure and a waiste of time.
Here, the business is more important then the reason anyway.
I think that Canon should have made a small effort to build a better body and compressing the price with a small cheepie plastic housing was for sure not a good idea.
This camera will sell, to people who want to be up to date and for newbies as well and it will be successful as all other ones made before.
So, buy one or not, you surely don't need one if you have a 6 or 8 mpix camera. The pictures that former Rebels made where excellent and to say that this one's better is overdriven, except if your goal is to make hughe large prints. For small album prints and A4 sized prints this one will not bring you anything better.
For those who want to be closer to film looking shots with all the smoothness that goes with it, a 30D or Nikon's D200 is the better choice. All is a question of what you want out of your gear and in first place also what you want to pay for your gear.
I think that this camera is an excellent deal, especialy if one looks at the prices of similar bridges with small ccd chips.
So let's stop making marketing previsions and see what this camera will bring in the future. What we see actualy is good and needs no further comments.
Guest 19-Sep-2006 14:51
Can anyone think of a reason why I shouldn't upgrade to this camera from my fujifilm S5000 ? I just want more control and flexibility with shots etc, hoping to get more into DOF shots, motion blurring etc.

thanks for any advice ! (
Guest 19-Sep-2006 12:52
I would appreciate it if Canon would do more in perfect AF-Metering. Even on all my Canon (like it was on the 30D, 20D and 10D all I had - even now on the 5D) the AF Metering isn't always perfect. Sometimes a lottery... hopefully the 400D is better...
Guest 14-Sep-2006 21:28
To Mysum again, more megapixels means you can capture more detail and will lose a lot less when editing and cropping your pictures. Also just beacause you take a picture at 10.1Mp doesn't mean you send a picture at that. There are plenty of applications out there to buy or for free that will convert a beautifuly capture 10.1Mp image to a JPEG of a few hundred Kb to email to your friends.

I have a 300D, and both the 350D and now 400D were improvements on this. It is still a prosumer item aimed at the beginner with easy to use modes. Anyone thinking of getting a DSLR I would recommend the 400D, my 300D is fantastic and the only thing stopping me getting one is money and the thought of getting the more semi-pro 30D.
Guest 12-Sep-2006 11:36
answer to mysum...
I don't know if tou are serious... are you joking? or are you ignorant?
-" More pixels on a small sensor(it is the same as that of the 350D) means more noise because they'll all be squeezed into that small sensor.".... may be true, but the noise is a bit "smaller" because you have more megapixels, so there will not be a visible difference!

-" 10.1 megapixels is too much for the regular consumer."... stupid... never TOO much, you can crop more and the difference of size on the card is minimal. Also, it may make a difference for experts (not as you visibly) for big prints. For the "normal" user, it certainly isn't going to be a problem in use.

-2.5 inch screen.... I don't know if you've used the 350D lately but compared to my powershot A610, the screen looks really poor... so a new big bright screen was welcome.

-"battery is lost faster".... today's technology allow to reduce consumption, so compared to the 350D, there will be no difference.(except that you won't have to take a magnifying glass to see the parameters!)

-"Dust reduction: It's good to have that, but it takes a second to get it done and you might miss a shot. I'm not exactly sure if this can be toggled off though".... First of all, the BIG problem of every D-slr is the dust. Now that canon (and olympus) found a solution, you are not happy. And if you had read previews, you would know that if you press the shutter, the cleaning stops immediately and so you don't "might miss a shot".

-"Conclusion? Get the program and do editing. No need to waste time and clean off that dust."...are you joking??? You prefer to spend hours editing your pics than "losing" one second at the startup??? and in some case, it's not possible to get rid of the big "dots" on the picture.

So...before "advising" others, you should maybe first get informed...
Guest 10-Sep-2006 03:05
Just upgraded from my 350D. I like the location of the AF points. The menu is MUCH better, I like that the metering is more descriptive and now actually tells you instead of having to interpret some little icon... You can't beat the better LCD, that's good. Also, it takes my vertical grip, extended eyepiece, extra battery, and of course, all my lenses.
Carson Hampton06-Sep-2006 22:01
Best buy has them in stock... Got to be the first one to touch this at my local store. Limited quantities available.
Guest 30-Aug-2006 08:08
I think that this camera is a good choice for everybody who like the photography, profesional people will like it too, there are many profesional that use EOS 350d, and this camera is better, no doubt with this. I hope i can buy it as soon as i have enough money. Saludos desde España
Lou Giroud30-Aug-2006 07:56
Let's wait and see what it will bring us and then let's wait for the next expert body, maybe the 40D based on this 10.1 mpix sensor as well.
To my opinion, this will be a pricebreaker and give a lot of problems to Nikon's D80 which is undoubtfully too expensive with 250$ higher price. For newbies in the DSLR game, Canon's 400 will undoubtfully be the better choice.
Guest 30-Aug-2006 06:13
was weighing my options - the 400d or the 30d
overall they have the same features except for spot metering in the 30d
400d at 10.1mp as compared to the 8mp of the 30d - but the sensor of the 30d is slightly larger - so the extra 2mp of the 400d was compressed into a smaller sensor
cost difference is substantial but i think the 30d is still worth it
i don't like the idea of the sharing the lcd with the camera info
Guest 29-Aug-2006 10:28
It looks nice. I've always hated dusty sensors. This one is different.
Kevin Fasken28-Aug-2006 04:12
Another disappointing offering from Canon :(
Guest 25-Aug-2006 23:39
Some additional comments:

-I have assumed that the consumer uses this camera for family photos, photographs of their children and holidays because professionals would rather stick to a more versatile camera like the 30D or EOS-1 series and thus would most likely use A4-A5 sized prints over anything bigger.

-When I say the file is big, we're looking at around 32mb kind of size. Imagine sending this kind of photograph to your friends... uploading and downloading...

Guest 25-Aug-2006 23:30
If there is one camera this greatly takes after, its the Olympus E-500.

I think this camera will not sell that well. It might seem very appealing, but some of its "new" features that the 350D does not have will make the camera possibly worse:

- 10.1 megapixel sensor
: More pixels on a small sensor(it is the same as that of the 350D) means more noise because they'll all be squeezed into that small sensor. Digic II noise reduction? But probably not as good as the 350D.

: 10.1 megapixels is too much for the regular consumer. It takes up a lot of memory in your CF card and also, the target audience for this camera is for photographers making the jump from point & shoot (P&S) to D-SLR. If you want to send photgraphs to your friends via email, this will be too big a file to send. 10.1 megapixels are meant more for those in the advertising side, do photography for newspapers and the such where we need large prints. The target audience that this camera has would print this out in what, at most A4-sized photographs? 6.1 megapixels is more than enough for that.

- 2.5 in. LCD screen

: If you have noticed, there is no more small panel on top of the LCD screen that the 350D had. Now the small panel has been removed and a 2.5 in. LCD screen has been put in its place and the information(aperture size, shutter speed, white balance, etc.) can only be viewed if you turn on the LCD screen which would mean that battery life is lost faster. Surely you didn't buy this camera to be left in 'auto' mode...

You could also check the viewfinder for information, but well it doesn't tell you everything..

Viewfinder Information:
• AF points
• AF/FE lock
• Shutter Speed
• Aperture
• Exposure Level / Compensation
• Max. burst
• AF/MF focus confirmation
• CF warning

*taken from*

- Dust reduction

It's good to have that, but it takes a second to get it done and you might miss a shot. I'm not exactly sure if this can be toggled off though. In any case, the EOS Integrated Dust Reduction video on the dpreview webiste says that there is a programme you can use to remove STUBBORN dust particles during editing.


Conclusion? Get the program and do editing. No need to waste time and clean off that dust. That system is basically useless with this program around.

I hope I've helped you look past Canon's tricks for the consumer jumping from P&S to DSLR.


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