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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Most Viewed Photos > Lake Erie Birches Near Sunset... 20081027
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Lake Erie Birches Near Sunset... 20081027

...with an incoming storm

Photographed on the south coast of Canada at Sherkston Shores, Ontario.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/200s f/8.0 at 30.0mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time25-Oct-2008 17:42:43
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length30 mm
Exposure Time1/200 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 14-Nov-2008 15:29
Just gorgeous! V
william mahan08-Nov-2008 03:56

Gordon: It's hard to pick a favorite.....Your usual fine job!!!
Pete Hemington07-Nov-2008 22:02
Great capture
Char31-Oct-2008 02:48
Hi Gorden,
This is an absolutely wonderful shot! \/
Guest 28-Oct-2008 19:31
Superb! V
Dean Swope28-Oct-2008 08:03
this one caught my eye a few times before i opened it ... as it was listed oin my favorites folder... I just want to say... i can feel itvery nice... winter time is coming...
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik28-Oct-2008 05:46
Fantastic work!!!
Dan Opdal28-Oct-2008 05:01
This image really caught my eye. A true masterpiece.
Fred Parsons28-Oct-2008 02:10
This I hope will go to your all time group of great images !!!!!!! Oh s--- I just saw it is alrady there and justly so ;-) This would look great on a 40 inch wide canvas
Sam Stevenson28-Oct-2008 00:24
Wonderful image - very dynamic with a strong sense of the impending storm.
LaRouquine27-Oct-2008 23:42
I have never gone to any of the Great Lakes in the Fall.. After seeing this picture.. I definitively will make it an outing. Very Pretty and inviting.
lou_rozensteins27-Oct-2008 23:01
Beautiful light and composition. Well done.
Guest 27-Oct-2008 22:21
The light and colors are wonderful. Nicely done. BV
Ehud Dekel27-Oct-2008 21:30
Great harmony. Peaceful color balance.
Lise De Serres27-Oct-2008 20:39
Lovely colours, beautiful composistion!
Bill Gallagher27-Oct-2008 19:50
Very nice composition with wonderful light from the setting sun. V
Terry Olsen27-Oct-2008 19:40
Wonderful light on a beautiful scene. Excellent processing. V
Guest 27-Oct-2008 18:06
Wonderful lighting and placement of trees.
Yaki Zander.27-Oct-2008 16:59
Beautiful and sharp. V
Bartosz Kotulski27-Oct-2008 16:36
great composition and very wonderful place.
Guest 27-Oct-2008 14:52
firstbrook27-Oct-2008 13:29
Delightful scene....luv the colours