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Recent Photos by members of Jake Jacobson's **favorites group
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John Cooper
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Helen Betts
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Rory Trappe
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Gordon W
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Mark Brown
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Marland Grove
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Barbara Corvino
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Isabel Cutler
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Marcia Rules
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Alexander Kazakov
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Jim Coffman
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Tom Beech
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Dallas Hyatt
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Dan Greenberg
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Doug Sherman
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Tom Robbins
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Dan Opdal
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Bill Miller
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Denis Masson
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Nirvan Hope
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Karin Doeling
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Tina Manley
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Pieter Bos
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Aivar Mikko
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Chris Picard
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J Ponces
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Ruth Rosenthal
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Bill Klein
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Bobby M
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Thor-Leif Fogelberg
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Michael Clay Smith
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mario .n
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Mike Stobbs
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wade clare
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Glenn Mallory
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An De Wilde
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Paul Riley
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Adam Turow
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Earl Misanchuk
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Long Bach Nguyen
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Keith Brady
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Marc Demoulin
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Walter Otto Koenig
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Ton T.
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Yiannis Pavlis
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William Shaheen
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Bev Wigney
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Rick Fridell
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Jerry Curtis
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Wong Tsu Shi
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