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Profile for Bev Wigney
Name Bev Wigney (joined 08-Oct-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username crocodile
bev (at)
Personal URL
Location Canada
View Galleries : Bev Wigney has 282 galleries and 7856 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 12748675 times.

View Guestbook : 88 messages. Most recent on 21-Jul-2017.

Message from Bev Wigney
Bev Wigney
naturalist ~ photographer

Bev Wigney is a naturalist-photographer-writer, formerly living in eastern Ontario, but currently traveling throughout North America with her rough collies, Sabrina and Sage.
She maintains an online photo gallery - - featuring approximately 6,000 of her nature-related images.
She also writes about travel and nature at her blog, Journey to the Center.
Bev's photographs have appeared in numerous publications, websites, in natural history exhibits, on nature trail interpretive signage, and on video productions - please see below for a partial list of her work. She is a graduate of Carleton University (Hon. BA, 93; Master of Arts, 94).

Bev may be contacted by email at

  • 2004 - Dragons and Damsels - a solo exhibit of Bev's prints at the Eastern Ontario Biodiversity Museum, in Kemptville, Ontario.
  • 2005 - Dragonfly Society of the Americas convention in Arnprior, Ontario - a solo exhibit of prints of dragonflies of eastern Ontario.

  • Predator upon a Flower by Douglass H. Morse, Harvard Univ. Press, 2007. Jacket cover image of Misumena vatia.
  • Ontario Odonata, 2007, Volume 7 Cover image of River Jewelwing damselfly.
  • Animal Tracks & SIgns - National Geographic published 2008. Used 8 nature photos.
  • Good Bugs Gone Bad - National Wildlife Federation Magazine Aug/Sept. 2005. 2-page spread.
  • Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2007. Used several images.
  • Apple: a history of Canada's perfect fruit by Carol Martin, Mcarthur & Co, 2007 - 3 full page photos.
  • The Real Thing! Stinkbugs & Other Bugs, Tangerine Press/Scholastic, 2006. 2 full page images.
  • Spider Watching at Midewin - published by Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, 2008 - several photos used.
  • New Scientist - issue date unknown - image of caterpillar to accompany article.
  • The Old Farmer's 2009 Almanac - firefly on page 59.

  • Coyote Bytes - official newspaper of the Narragansett Bay Coyote Study - roadkilled coyote -lead photo in April 2006 edition.
  • EnviroZine - Environment Canada's Online Newsmagazine - Dec. 2006, Issue 71 - Calico Pennant dragonfly in lead article.
  • Encyclopedia of Life - Argiope aurantia page - several images.
  • Qarrtsiluni "Transformation" online magazine July-Sept 2008 edition. - video & photo.
  • Nova Scotia invasive species brochure - in print and on web - Green Crab image.
  • Bill Oehlke's Silkmoth site - several images.
  • Carnegie Museum of Natural History's
  • Random Bev Wigney pictures