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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1955 - MaryAnn "Candi" Wallace
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1955 Courtesy of MaryAnn Wallace

1955 - MaryAnn "Candi" Wallace

Miami Beach, Florida

Thank you to MaryAnn Wallace for allowing me to display her photo. The photo was taken by Ed Finley of the City of Miami Beach's publicity department and used in tourism advertisements in northern newspapers. MaryAnn began modeling at the age of 12, with photos used in American Girl magazine and other fashion magazines but she thought working for the city's publicity department was more fun. One photo of her was used on the wall of a train's dining car. She says that she had photo sessions at the prestigious "new" Eden Roc Hotel and the Fontainebleau Hotel where Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin performed in the Pink Poodle Room.

MaryAnn was born at Jackson Memorial Hospital and lived in Cocoanut Grove. She attended Silver Bluff Kindergarten, Coconut Grove Elementary, Ponce de Leon Junior High and graduated from Coral Gables Senior High in 1955. She then moved from Miami to attend Brenau Academy in northern Georgia. Her dad, Ben Wallace, owned a service station at Dixie Highway and SW 32 Avenue and the Wallace Garage on Munday Street in the Grove, when he wasn't building roads in Central and South America.

MaryAnn also graciously submitted her dad's photo of Paley's Big Wheel that is also on display on this site. MaryAnn's website has been discontinued but she is on Facebook under the name of MaryAnn Bierer.

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Pat23-Feb-2016 08:10
Absolutly lovely! V
Guest 19-Dec-2014 01:36
Thank you for the kind comments ! I no longer have web TV but can be found on Facebook
MaryAnn Bierer mWallace
Mike 28-Mar-2012 18:38
This is my Mom, I Love her so much!!!
Don Boyd13-Jul-2010 06:28

Judy, I do not give out e-mail addresses of people on my site due to privacy reasons. I sent MaryAnn an e-mail with your message from below and perhaps she will contact you.

Judy Brewer 13-Jul-2010 01:06
MaryAnn is my first cousin, do you know how to reach her?
Guest 13-Jul-2010 00:56
Petros Labrakos11-Aug-2008 04:57
I believe this retro
really deserves a V
Petros Labrakos11-Aug-2008 04:54
such a wonderful figure
can never be forgotten!
Guest 09-Aug-2008 06:45
back when women were classy! Love it!
Guest 02-Jun-2008 16:18
Beautiful retro cheesecake shot.
Rob Mixon 18-Dec-2007 22:52
She was my very first girlfriend in kindergarden. We have been in contact all of these years whenever possible. She has also written excellent poetry. She has a strong Christian faith and walks in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
Rob Mixon (