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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1948 - Dusty Rhodes painting a sign on the 8-story Withers Building downtown Miami
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1948-50 Burl Grey

1948 - Dusty Rhodes painting a sign on the 8-story Withers Building downtown Miami

Downtown Miami, Florida

Photo courtesy of Burl Grey. The Withers Building was about SW 1st Streeet and 2nd Avenue facing north. Art's Parking Lot was below. Note all the safety equipment to ensure that painters didn't fall to their deaths. In later years Burl painted a 56-foot wide woman on the building for an advertisement, something that is a controversy in the City of Miami today due to large ads being painted on buildings.

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Jeff 30-Jan-2008 22:28
Burl Grey, Dusty Rhodes and my buddy - the late Al Eckhardt [of Allied Signs] were from a great generation of talented sign men who really knew how to use a brush to bring out the best in a piece of advertising...
Guest 02-Jun-2007 23:35
Burl Grey (the photographer) here saying the Silver Springs Bathing beauty I painted on that wall was 56 feet wide (not tall), meaning she was laying on her side. I do remember that her hips were a full eight feet high!
A few years later I painted a really big face of a baby for some other advertiser. That face was about 12 feet high.