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Bidyottam 's Recent Galleries

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20-Oct-2018 18:10
Durga Pujo 2018
:: Durga Pujo 2018 ::
28-Jul-2017 17:02
The American Southwest
:: The American Southwest ::
28-Jul-2017 01:52
:: People ::
03-Jun-2017 21:54
Medha-Torry's Wedding
:: Medha-Torry's Wedding ::
04-Jan-2017 20:44
Of Water, Sand and Shorelines...
:: Of Water, Sand and Shorelines... ::
13-Sep-2016 18:06
Idol makers of Kumartuli
:: Idol makers of Kumartuli ::
13-Sep-2016 17:46
Kolkata ghats: morning rituals
:: Kolkata ghats: morning rituals ::
29-Apr-2016 02:21
If these walls could speak...
:: If these walls could speak... ::
26-Mar-2016 19:02
:: saraswati_2016 ::
26-Mar-2016 18:07
Celebrating the 25th with Chaudhuris
:: Celebrating the 25th with Chaudhuris ::
24-Mar-2016 14:32
Waterdrops and splashes
:: Waterdrops and splashes ::
27-Oct-2015 22:00
Purbachal Durga Puja 2015
:: Purbachal Durga Puja 2015 ::