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Bienvenue dans ma galerie de photos. Vos avis et commentaires sont les bienvenus, ainsi que vos votes pour vos galeries préférées.

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gallery: FRANCE
gallery: Hawaii
VIETNAM (The Mekong Delta, Halong Bay)
gallery: VIETNAM (The Mekong Delta, Halong Bay)
Cambodia (Angkor Temples)
gallery: Cambodia (Angkor Temples)
Norvege (Norway) - Fjord - Lofoten
gallery: Norvege (Norway) - Fjord - Lofoten
Polynesie Française - Tahiti - Bora Bora - French Polynesia
gallery: Polynesie Française - Tahiti - Bora Bora - French Polynesia
Ile de la Reunion (Reunion Island)
gallery: Ile de la Reunion (Reunion Island)
Canada - Rocky Mountains - Vancouver Island
gallery: Canada - Rocky Mountains - Vancouver Island
Canada - Quebec
gallery: Canada - Quebec
gallery: Amsterdam
West USA (Part I)
gallery: West USA (Part I)
West USA (Part II)
gallery: West USA (Part II)
gallery: HITS
Opera Bastille - Les Coulisses
gallery: Opera Bastille - Les Coulisses