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Wallace Bastein | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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pacs22-May-2015 18:43
Super Galleries, great work.Thanks for sharing them.
cheveux gras19-May-2015 06:44
great site!
tresse15-May-2015 16:50
Great shots!
Laura Lannon 04-Jun-2010 19:39
Hi Wallace,

This is Laura Lannon - we met in the CCSF student gallery about 3 weeks ago. Couldn't find an email link to email you directly but I'm so happy to see your work. Some of your figure paintings and drawings remind me of Picasso's Blue period. They're really beautiful!

I know I probably missed out on showing work at the spaces you were offering but have had a lot of things going on medically recently. Anyway, let's stay in touch - especially since you are a fellow figure painting ;)

Laura Lannon
RSantos08-Jan-2009 00:21
great artworks!
simone 11-Mar-2005 18:07
"He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who who works with his hands, and his head, and his heart is an artist." St. Francisc of Assissi

You my friend are on the journey of an artist. You have the heart and soul of an artist. But most importantly, you have the temperament of an artist. I have enjoyed watching your development these last few years. Don't stop now. Recharge and resume. Your pal, Simone.
Tanya 18-Jan-2005 04:36
What a great collection of artwork. I was trying to select a favorite, but that was too hard. I keep going back and forth... I especially like your drawings. There is something about the unfinished edges or spontaneity that appeals to me. Then there is Assassin, whose name is quite intriguing-- what is going on in this scene? It is a little puzzle for me (like throwing in the kitchen sink?)

Your work in progress was very interesting-- a little peek into what goes on before the masterpiece is complete.

Thank you for sharing your art.

Hold on to that idea of opening a gallery!

Adam 17-May-2004 22:49
Your artwork looks great; it looks like you have a fine mastery of technique. Do you have any pieces that are currently showing at galleries?
Guest 28-Mar-2004 05:03
Keep up the good work! You are the best uncle ever!! Oh, by the way, and the most artistic! Your little friend , Eric N. and Cal (sitting right next to me). I knew if I live long enough that I would eventually meet a famous artist! Oh, by the way, and the most clever (restaurant caper)! Cal N. and Eric (sitting right next to me). Nancy said to keep your day job.
Michael & Robert 02-Feb-2004 03:11
Absolutely incredible. I feel as if you live right next door to me- I have a painting above my fireplace that exudes a similarity of your work. Am I dreaming, perhaps not?

Excellent work-- I'm looking forward to more......

Intrigue me please