Connie, Several years ago I met you at the Blacktail Ponds in Yellowstone. Since that time I have seen some of your images of your trip to the Artic with Jim Halfpenny. I have been thinking about a Polar Bear trip and was wondering if you posted a review anywhere on your experience.
I was fortunate to spend two years living in Gardiner but eventualy the anti-wildlife attitudes of the locals wore me down and we thru in the towel. You can find my web site by searching my name. I am sure you will find some familiar photos.
Thanks again...You can communicate directly through my web site if you would like.
Any insights on your Artic experiences would be appreciated.
Love you photos, in particular the "Road Warriors" one! Are these photos sale? If so, please give sizes, prices, etc.
Terri Davis
01-Aug-2010 22:51
Hi Connie,
It's me, Teton Terri. It's been a couple of months now since our respective sojourns to Yellowstone, doing the Loon Lone Star Hike and seeing wolves at Slough Creek. I am enoying your photos. Sunning Coyotes and the Canada Goose Family rank up there as my favorites.
How's the Beaver Project progressing?
Well take care and enjoy the rest of your summer! Terri
Debbie Diamond
20-Feb-2008 00:12
Connie, looking at your photos, I am so excited about my May '08 trip (first) to Yellowstone. I hope I can get shots of as many animals as you did. As for the snow, wow, I hope I don't see that! Thanks for sharing. Debbie Diamond
Pat & Tom
06-Jun-2006 17:21
Hey Connie,
These pictures were wonderful, and they look so much like postcards. I can't believe the good quality of the scenes and Dylan etc. etc.