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Timothy Guenther's Recent Galleries

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09-Dec-2024 20:07
Cloth No. 19 - aborted
:: Cloth No. 19 - aborted ::
09-Dec-2024 20:04
Cloth No. 18 - Experiments
:: Cloth No. 18 - Experiments ::
29-Nov-2024 21:54
Drunken Squares, No. 17
:: Drunken Squares, No. 17 ::
24-Nov-2024 18:15
Plaid Scarf
:: Plaid Scarf ::
24-Nov-2024 18:13
Playing with plaid
:: Playing with plaid ::
08-Nov-2024 20:56
Weaving Projects
:: Weaving Projects ::
08-Nov-2024 20:48
Cloth No. 14
:: Cloth No. 14 ::
08-Nov-2024 20:45
Cloth No. 13
:: Cloth No. 13 ::
11-Oct-2024 04:22
Aurora Borealis
:: Aurora Borealis ::
27-Sep-2024 20:08
Cloth No. 12
:: Cloth No. 12 ::
10-Sep-2024 03:46
Cloth No. 11
:: Cloth No. 11 ::
04-Sep-2024 02:19
Cloth No. 10
:: Cloth No. 10 ::