This region of very faint nebulosity and dust in Puppis is often referred to as
"The Hand of God" and only reveals itself well with long expoures like this one.
Although faint, with long exposure the resulting display of colours and hues is quite
spectacular. This image was compiled from 16 hrs of data taken over 4 nights from my
backyard in Newcastle Australia
AP152 F7.5 Starfire APO refractor with 4" field flattener
FLI ProLine11002 CCD & CFW-2-7
LHaRGB = 5hrs 8hrs 1hr 1hr 1hr = 16hrs total (all bin 1X1) Astronomik filters
-35C chip temp, darks and flats (AstroHandy LightRing used for flats)
12MPPS download speed = 1.5sec/full frame download at bin 1X1.
FOV = 1.8deg X 1.2deg at 1.6"/pix
Guide Camera: Starlightxpress SXVH9
Taken over 4 nights with my set-up and pull-down imaging rig: