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Saulo Silva | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Hi, everybody.

First of all, thanks for your visit.
Saulo Silva is a photographer, motorcyclist and Geophysicist. When off-duty from the industry, he seeks the place, the light and the angle for unique captures.
Always "armed" with a camera to not let opportunities slip away, he will strive to bring home images to please the eye, be it a brief witness of nature, a beautiful smile or a unexpected gesture.
Works as an assignment photographer on weekends and holidays. For the ultimate experience, you can assign him for your photographic needs, setting up the mission and subjects to be caught on camera. Assignment photography brings pictures that are guaranteed to be exclusive to the customer, adding great value to them. The possibilities are limitless.

=========================== NEWS, November/2014 ==========================

Hello, everybody.
Breaking news for the gaming community: Saulo Silva Photography is now among the sponsors for Australian Starcraft 2 tournament, OSC Season 2 Finals:

After going to Dreamhack Stockholm 2014 to watch great Starcraft 2 games, and witnessing all the enthusiasm of the crowd and the players, I thought it would be great to be involved in an event.
There I met australian player PiG from Team Exile5, not only a creative and entertaining Zerg master, but also a cool guy to chat and to drink a beer with. So I looked for information on the Starcraft 2 scene in Australia and, by PiG's manager's indication, found this incredible online tournament which will feature high caliber players from abroad as well as some korean stars, including the Dreamhack Stockholm 2014 champion ( for pictures).
A big thank you to PiG and Dorothy from Team Exile5 and to Eddie, the manager of OSC, for this opportunity. So stay tuned, I will post the link to the live stream soon.
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Selected pictures for printing and shipping
Selected pictures for printing and shipping