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Chelsea 28-Feb-2018 04:35
So nice to meet you today at Great Falls!
Karl Schnurr 05-Jul-2015 18:00
Roger, I was looking through the many pictures you took of Kristin and her teammates over the years. What an absolute blessing you are to us to have captured so many great memories of competition and friendship on the pitch!! We appreciate all of your wonderful efforts to catch the essence of the beautiful game. Thank you!
Taylor 31-Oct-2013 18:25
I was looking for the pictures from the VSA heat game on October 19th against the Richmond Kickers??
Kathleen 12-Jul-2011 13:10
Thank you for my graduation party pictures they are amazingggggg ! i love them (:
Günter 02-Apr-2011 16:37
Hi Roger, friend of animals,
Super Fotos :
I am a Hobby-Zoologist from Austria and I work on a list of all mammal species (only for myself and personal use). I want to add to all the animals in the list a picture, so I want to ask you, if I am allowed, to copy some pictures from your picture gallery by pbase in my lists - only for private use! I will not create a homepage, I will not sell the photos and I will not publish the photos - I only want to add them to my lists.
I am looking forward to a permission to copy some photos,

Yours faithfully


Mike Foss 20-Dec-2010 23:27're the best!
So many fond memories of the boys and these pictures are priceless keepsakes.
Ron Zier 16-Nov-2010 00:23
Hi I would love to see the photos you took of the Red Bull games on Sunday. Could you send me the link?

drew 16-Nov-2010 00:19
looking for the pics from sundays Red Bulls game. Please let me know when they are up.
Dino 30-Mar-2010 03:21
Didnt you take pictures at the soccer tourtement when penn fusion was playin?
Guest 29-Mar-2010 14:00
Great Galleries
Barry Rosenberg08-Mar-2010 01:42
Roger, here is the website for the tour operator in Maine who does Puffins
Barry Rosenberg07-Mar-2010 22:11
What a great day at Blackwater. Look forward to meeting you on the road again. Look forward to viewing your future adventures. Best Wishes. Barry
kodak97425-Aug-2009 19:42

Je suis une amie de Vero à St Max. Je trouve votre travail magnifique avec une grande maitrise de la technique.
HUGH'S WIFEY. 02-Mar-2009 23:38
Such fun! Thank you for all your hard work.
Many thanks for the cool photo's.
Fabulous evening all together : )
Sean 23-Feb-2009 01:31
Great shots!