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Pete Hemington | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I enjoy photography and with the advent of digital I can afford to indulge.
I try and sell some pictures, usually as printed cards in local craft fairs etc, and profits go to Wateraid.
If you would like to buy a full resolution copy of an image then the same would apply - i.e. profit to Water Aid.
Abroad and Vacations
:: Abroad and Vacations ::
Dartmoor Devon
:: Dartmoor Devon ::
:: Minimalist ::
Butterflies, Moths and Insects
:: Butterflies, Moths and Insects ::
:: Panoramas ::
Street Entertainers
:: Street Entertainers ::
:: Vehicles ::
Bradninch and locality
:: Bradninch and locality ::
Fields in Devon
:: Fields in Devon ::
Surfaces and Textures
:: Surfaces and Textures ::
River scenes
:: River scenes ::
Flowers Plants and Trees
:: Flowers Plants and Trees ::
Land Scapes & Skies
:: Land Scapes & Skies ::
:: Places ::
Sun Rises and Sun Sets
:: Sun Rises and Sun Sets ::
Lakes and Floods
:: Lakes and Floods ::
:: Animals ::
Coastal connections
:: Coastal connections ::
Seasonal shots
:: Seasonal shots ::
:: Misc ::
Reflections, Doors & Windows
:: Reflections, Doors & Windows ::
:: Silhouette ::
Moon Lit
:: Moon Lit ::
Black & White
:: Black & White ::
:: Light ::
People and Family
:: People and Family ::
:: Buildings ::
Marie Curie Fund Raiser
:: Marie Curie Fund Raiser ::