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Ross Alford | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to my gallery. Two books, each with 40 of my landscape images, are available as and

I am always happy to hear from anyone interested in licensing my images to use, or in proposing new photo projects that might result in paying work. Best contact is to email
Australian Landscapes
:: Australian Landscapes ::
Australian frogs
:: Australian frogs ::
Australian reptiles
:: Australian reptiles ::
Australian birds and mammals
:: Australian birds and mammals ::
Australian invertebrates
:: Australian invertebrates ::
:: abstracts ::
Landscapes and other images outside Australia
:: Landscapes and other images outside Australia ::
South Africa 2005
:: South Africa 2005 ::
JCU Tropical Biology field trips
:: JCU Tropical Biology field trips ::
Landscapes and scenes created by people
:: Landscapes and scenes created by people ::
A small world, soon to be lost
:: A small world, soon to be lost ::
Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland, Australia
:: Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland, Australia ::
Panoramic images of Australia
:: Panoramic images of Australia ::
Cape York 2008
:: Cape York 2008 ::
Canine family
:: Canine family ::
Photos from classic digital SLRs
:: Photos from classic digital SLRs ::
Brief review and sample photos from the Pentax Optio W20
:: Brief review and sample photos from the Pentax Optio W20 ::
Ricoh GX100 samples.  Warning--very large images
:: Ricoh GX100 samples. Warning--very large images ::
Townsville Photo Society excursions
:: Townsville Photo Society excursions ::
Images of and from the Townsville Town Common
:: Images of and from the Townsville Town Common ::
Townsville cameras etc. rescued for Cameraholics December 2017
:: Townsville cameras etc. rescued for Cameraholics December 2017 ::
:: boggo_road_gaol_brisbane_queensland ::
:: great_ocean_road_victoria ::
:: uluru_and_kata_tjuta ::