Message from Norman Rich
Welcome. I am a visual artist with studio residence in Vancouver B.C. I approach photography as an expressive artist medium with the purpose of creating fine images that honor wild nature. Creative intent and visual choices guide me, qualities of light, color, and tonalities inspire me. Bookmark this site and you'll discover new photographs on an ongoing basis. I appreciate your championing my wild nature photography with your votes and comments.
Norman Rich
Please note: Copyright for all photographs in these galleries belong solely to Norman Rich. Images may not be used in any way without the expressed written permission of the photographer. These images are protected by Canadian and international copyright laws.
Norman Rich learning article written for issue 11 of Pbase magazine: pages 28-33*
" An animals eyes have the power to speak a great language."... Martin Buber
"Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher"... William Wordsworth
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."... Albert Einstein
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect"... Chief Seattle
"To photograph truthfully and effectively is to see beneath the surfaces and record the qualities of nature and humanity which live or are latent in all things."... Ansel Adams
"To take photographs is to hold one's breath when all faculties converge in the face of fleeing reality. It is at this moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy"... Henri Cartier Breison
“I draw upon my background as a painter to see painterly qualities in changing light, and color relationships to express dignity and reveal spirit as well as form”.... Norman Rich