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Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge

Lift Bridge On A Snow Sky Night 90D143352 Milky Way Beyond Lift Bridge P1020163-5 (composite) 20241010 Aurora Beyond Lift Bridge Reflected 90D130841-3 20241010 Aurora Beyond Lift Bridge Reflected 90D130847
Lift Bridge In Morning Fog 90D128698 Bascule Bridge At Night (iPhone14-1519) Waning Gibbous Snow Moon Beyond Lift Bridge DSCN121084 Lift Bridge Ice Puddles Reflection DSCN118171
Clouded Moon Beyond Lift Bridge At Night 90D32195.03 Fogbow Over The Lift Bridge DSCN99842.5.8 Lift Bridge Frosty Approach DSCN89036-8 Autumn Bascule Bridge DSCN75368
Kawartha Voyageur Passing Under The Lift Bridge P1050922 Red Sun Setting Beyond The Bascule Bridge P1040185-9 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Reflected DSCN55624 Setting Beaver Moon Beyond Bascule Bridge DSCN41993
Bascule Bridge At Night DSCN40763 Autumn Bascule Bridge At Sunrise DSCN36873 Moon, Bascule Bridge, Comet NEOWISE P1540991 Bascule Bridge In Snowfall P1020071
Setting Cold Moon Beyond The Bascule Bridge P1490662-8 Squirrel On The Bascule Bridge DSCN37111 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge P1020163-5 Detached Lock Basin At Sunrise DSCN16986.9
Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge In Fog DSCN04022 Moon On The Bascule Bridge P1020035-9 Duck Island On A Bright Night P1010249-51 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge P1010114-6
Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge P1010113 Moonset Beyond The Bascule Bridge P1230555-63 Fog Bank Beyond The Bascule Bridge P1210947 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge At Night 46167
Pigeon Getting It In Gear DSCF4790 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge At Night 46059-62 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge DSCF19998,02,05 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge P1120462-4
Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 20150201 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge At Night 20141022 Kawartha Voyageur Arriving At Smiths Falls DSCF15219 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 20140409
Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 20130425 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 00052 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 22587 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 20120303
Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 20120208 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 20120105 Rusting Bridge 20110418 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 20100929
Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge 22817 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge P1400401-3