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Nikon Coolpix P1000 Photo Gallery

On 23 August 2019, despite its weight and large size, I bought a Nikon Coolpix P1000 superzoom camera since wildlife I had been seeing on the morning walks needed longer zoom than the cameras I already had.

Now, more than a year later (19 October 2020) and after shooting more than 12,000 brackets (36,000 shutter activations) I can say that the Nikon Coolpix P1000 is the first camera I've ever owned that has all the telephoto reach I can handle and for the first time in my life I am not interested in a camera with more. I still don't like its weight and large size but it's manageable. The camera is truly an amazing device and after discovering the equally amazing Topaz Labs DeNoise AI for noise removal, the P1000 has become my "go-to" camera for wildlife and nature photography. Basically, if my old eyes can see something in the distance, I can get a usable shot of it.

Then tragically on 12 May 2024 and 55,409 brackets (166,227 shutter activations) later, the P1000 abruptly and without warning died as I was simply walking with it, looking for the next bird. Sadly, this left me in a dilemma because after almost six years Nikon is no longer producing them or a new model to replace it and stores no longer have them in stock and there’s nothing available from any other manufacturer that rivals it (a truly one of a kind camera). Happily, it was then discovered that a friend of a friend had a virtually unused P1000, having taken only 52 shots with it before learning it was too much camera for him and he was happy to sell it to me on 22 May 2024.

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Gemmells Point At Sunrise DSCN49511-3 Ice Fishing Shelter On The Clyde River DSCN49489 Snowmobile Tracks On Snowy Hill DSCN49484 Two Trumpeter Swans Landing DSCN49380
Two Trumpeter Swans Approaching In Falling Snow DSCN49377 Bald Eagle On Canal Ice DSCN49367 Two Bald Eagles On Ice DSCN49317 Bald Eagle Perched On A Broken Tree Limb DSCN49308
Bald Eagle Perched On A Broken Tree Limb DSCN49304 Swan In Reflected Sunrise Color DSCN49169 Trumpeter Swan At Sunrise DSCN49167 Winter Sunrise DSCN49145-7
Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN49136-8 Foam Piled Beyond Mallard Standing On Snowy Ice DSCN49105 Female Common Goldeneye DSCN49077 Two Winter Trees Beyond A Snowy Hill DSCN49041
Frosty Trees & Mist At Sunrise DSCN48877-9 Frosty Wood DSCN48869 The Other Photographer DSCN48829 Frost & Mist At Sunrise DSCN48652-4
Sunrise Sunrays Beyond Footbridge DSCN48637-9 Frosty Misty Sunrise DSCN48607-9 Frosty Misty Sunrise DSCN48601-3 Footbridge On A Frosty Misty Morning DSCN48600
Frozen Swale DSCN48509 Snowy CN 1112 Steam Locomotive DSCN48490.3.6 Frost On A Black Handrail Closeup DSCN48484 Fire Hydrant In Snowbank DSCN48442
Boathouse Shadows On Frozen Swale DSCN48399 Three Mallards DSCN48356 Water Control Weir Frozen Overflow DSCN48310 Farmscape At Sunrise DSCN48289-91
Heritage House Museum At Blue Hour DSCN48277 Railway Tracks At Sunrise DSCN48235 Female Snowy Owl Portrait DSCN48135 (crop) Female Snowy Owl On An Antenna Mast DSCN48133
Two Trumpeter Swans In Open Water DSCN48042 Female Hairy Woodpecker DSCN47968 Bald Eagle Perched Atop A Tree DSCN47905 American Tree Sparrow DSCN47854
Early Morning Frost & Mist At Old Slys DSCN47779-81 Footbridge In Early Morning Mist DSCN47722 Early Morning Mist Beyond Turtle Island DSCN47692 Male Common Goldeneye DSCN47641
CP 8881 Mid-Train DPU DSCN47587 Male Common Goldeneye DSCN47573 Clouded Sun DSCN47555 Snow Falling On Lower Reach DSCN47525
Lone Tree DSCN47520 Old Weathered Barn In Snowy Field DSCN47511 'Art' Mallard Drake Spreading Its Wings DSCN47504 Last Quarter Moon DSCN47474
Winter Sunrise DSCN47470 'Dusting' Of Snow DSCN47464 Mallard Drake Flapping Its Wings DSCN47442 Interesting Sky Over Lower Reach DSCN47395
Incoming Nor'easter DSCN47391 Loose Change DSCN47389 Winter Clyde River DSCN47368 Along The Moon Terminator DSCN47295
Winter Sunrise DSCN47286-8 Spruced Up Moon DSCN47273 Sunrise Sunrays Beyond Confederation Bridge DSCN47253-5 Sunrise Through Mist DSCN47231
Pink Frost DSCN47226 Footbridge In Sunrise Mist DSCN47214-6 Frosty Trees Beside Misty Victoria Basin At Sunise DSCN47182 Moonset, Smiths Falls, Ontario DSCN47142-53
Sundog At Sunrise DSCN47115 Wolf Moon Lowering Beyond The Swale DSCN47084.7 Winter Sunrise DSCN47070-5 Wolf Moon Through Clouds DSCN47064-6
Winter Barn DSCN47033 Bald Eagle Taking Flight DSCN47017 Bald Eagle Preparing To Fly DSCN47016 Winter Sunrise DSCN46935-7
Black-capped Chickadee DSCN46887 Sunrise Beyond A Snowy Hill DSCN46861 Trains Going & Coming At Sunrise DSCN46697 Winter Sunrise DSCN46675-80
Beaver On Ice Chowing Down DSCN46631 Snowing Clouds DSCN46609 Bald Eagle From Behind In Light Snowfall DSCN46462 Pink Tulips DSCN46455
Dripping Male Common Merganser DSCN46438 Condensation DSCN46365 Blue Jay Atop A Spruce Tree DSCN46352 Interesting Sky Over The Swale DSCN46326
Barn Under Clouds At Sunrise DSCN46303-5 Wet Mink On Ice DSCN46234 Landing Trumpeter Swans Seen Through Branches DSCN46202 Trumpeter Swan Swimming & Muskrat On Ice DSCN46168-9
Clouded Sun Over Rideau Canal DSCN46114-6 Bald Eagle Perched Atop A Tree DSCN46017 Bald Eagle Profile DSCN46017 Ruffled Scowling Eagle DSCN46004
The Eagle Was Landing DSCN45993 The Eagle Was Landing DSCN45992 Mute Swan In The Swale DSCN45956 Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN45943
Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN45932 Winter Woods DSCN45852 'Art' Cloud Bank Beyond The Swale DSCN45732 Female Snowy Owl Atop A Spruce Tree DSCN45682
Female Snowy Owl With 'Tiara' DSCN45653 (crop) Snowy Owl Headshot DSCN45651 Female Snowy Owl Atop A Spruce Tree DSCN45623 Snowy Trail Through Pine Forest DSCN45559
Winter Autumn Leaves DSCN45557 Clouded Sunrise DSCN45538-43 Clouded Rising Sun Over Snowy Field DSCN45496-8 Icicles Closeup DSCN45432
Synchronized Swans DSCN45421 Two Mute Swans On Ice In Snowfall DSCN45404 Immature Bald Eagle Perched In A Distant Tree DSCN45271 Old Mill Channel At Night DSCN45258-60
Eagle Perched Atop A Tree DSCN45249 Snow-capped Bales At Sunrise DSCN45144 Equine Food Truck DSCN45081 Bald Eagle In A Distant Tree DSCN44929
Sunrise At Lower Reach Park DSCN44856 Hairy Woodpecker Pecking DSCN44838 Merganser With Catch DSCN44793 December Cold Full Moon Over Smiths Falls DSCN44769-71
Beaver On Ice Under Tree DSCN44703 Wet Beaver On Ice DSCN44679 Beaver Standing Tall DSCN44650 Beaver Stare Down DSCN44645
Pileated Woodpecker Profile DSCN44481 Pileated Woodpecker DSCN44481 Winter Swamp DSCN44465 Camera Shy Horse DSCN44380
Otter On A Muskrat Lodge DSCN44351 Otter On A Muskrat Lodge DSCN44348 Four Otters On & Around A Muskrat Lodge DSCN44319 Winter Farmscape DSCN44303
Covid Christmas Virtual Family Gathering DSCN44290 Christmas Fog, Grass & Beaver DSCN44256 Lounging Wet Beaver DSCN44248 Partial Rainbow At Sunrise DSCN44149
Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN44093 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction Day After DSCN44051 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction Day After DSCN44046 (crop) Two Beavers On Ice Chowing Down DSCN44014
Little Brown Spider DSCN43929 Little Brown Spider From Below DSCN43915 Laughing Merganser On Ice DSCN43889 Swale Reflection In Snowfall DSCN43826
Two Frosty Geese Resting At Sunrise DSCN43800 Birches DSCN43790 Sunrise Over Frozen Rideau Canal DSCN43734-6 Abstract DSCN43705
Abstract DSCN43669 Airborne Ice DSCN43663 Frosty Life Preserver DSCN43633 Sunrise Over A Cornfield DSCN43597-9
Wet Muskrat On Ice Chowing Down DSCN43539 (crop) Wet Muskrat On Ice Chowing Down DSCN43519 Sunny Swale DSCN43501 Rapids & Ice DSCN43491
Geese Taking Flight DSCN43478 Boomerang Cloud At Sunrise DSCN43454 Sunrise Color Beyond The Swale DSCN43327-9 Trumpeter Swan Family Wingflap DSCN43306
Four Trumpeter Swans Flying Away DSCN43250 Five Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN43246 Heritage House Museum At Sunrise DSCN43183-5 Red Sky In The Morning DSCN43174-6
Beaver On Ice Chowing Down DSCN43106 Beaver On Ice Chowing Down DSCN43104 Three Beavers On Ice DSCN42949 A Streak Of Sunrise Color DSCN42910-2
Condensation DSCN42905 Beaver On Ice Chowing Down DSCN42878 2020 Christmas Tree DSCN42778 Trumpeter Swans Swimming Away In Freezing Canal DSCN42767
Trumpeter Swan & Canada Goose DSCN42659 Adult & Juvenile Trumpeter Swans DSCN42619 2020 Celebration Of Lights Closeup DSCN42585 Hazy Swale DSCN42577
Male Hairy Woodpecker DSCN42481 Sun Peeking Through DSCN42441-3 Snowy Bale & Split Rail Fence DSCN42341 Trumpeter Swan Trumpeting DSCN42205
Trumpeter Swan Coming Up For Air DSCN42168crop Sunrise Cloud DSCN42111-3 Setting Beaver Moon Beyond Bascule Bridge DSCN41993 Rail Yard At Night DSCN41919-21
Clouded Beaver Moon & Rail Yard At Night DSCN41892-4 Hole In The Sky Over Lone Tree DSCN41761 2020 Celebration Of Lights DSCN41713 Ground Fog Under Brooding Sky DSCN41675
2020 Celebration Of Lights DSCN41622-4 Beckwith Street On A Foggy Night DSCN41583-5 Goose Making A Big Splash DSCN41541 Departing Train At First Light DSCN41504
Railroad Signal Lights DSCN41494 2020 Celebration Of Lights Panorama DSCN41433-5 'The Yellow Peril' Harvard Backlit At Night DSCN41432 2020 Celebration Of Lights Reflection DSCN41397-9
Three 'Snow' Geese DSCN41373.5 2020 Celebration Of Lights DSCN41343-5 2020 Celebration Of Lights DSCN41328-30 2020 Celebration Of Lights DSCN41310-2
Six Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN41178 Snowy Lower Reach Park At Night DSCN41171 Snowy Tree DSCN41066 Four Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN41023
The K and P (DSCN40918) Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN40830 Museum Green Door DSCN4089-10 Inquisitive Starling DSCN40780
Bascule Bridge At Night DSCN40763 Two Trumpeter Swans Back-to-Back DSCN40753-5 Male Hooded Merganser With Female Surfacing DSCN40717 Hairy Woodpecker DSCN40610
Down The Drain DSCN40561 Boathouse Collapsing Into The Swale DSCN40544sepia Cloud Bank Beyond The Swale DSCN40528 Old Mill Channel At Night DSCN40515
Flock of Geese Taking Flight DSCN40466 Old Barn At Sunrise DSCN40454-6 Sunrise Over A Cornfield DSCN40427-9 Trumpeter Swans & Canada Geese DSCN40398
Trumpeter Swan Stretching DSCN40275 Frost On An Autumn Leaf DSCN40263 Irish Creek Sunrise DSCN40241-3 Irish Creek Sunrise DSCN40223-5
Mute Swan Mouthing Off DSCN40165 Swans - One Mute, Two Trumpeter DSCN40097 Small Trumpeter Swan Convoy DSCN40041 Late Autumn Swale DSCN39985
Mute Swan Staring At Litter DSCN39973 Swan Tied Up In Its Breakfast DSCN39899 Cornfield At Sunrise DSCN39871-3 Barn & Ground Fog At Sunrise DSCN39859
Ground Fog & Split-rail Fences DSCN39805 Revitalized Beckwith Street DSCN39781-6 3rd Quarter Moon DSCN39779 Late Autumn Trail DSCN39706 (Sketch)
House Sparrow Stare Down DSCN39660 (crop) House Sparrow DSCN39616 Lone Tree In Sunrise Ground Fog DSCN39562 Trees In Ground Fog At Sunrise DSCN39546
Racing Water DSCN39516 Sun Rising Through Clouds DSCN39505 Mr & Mrs Hooded Merganser DSCN39454 Sun Rising Through Trees DSCN39386
Red Canoe DSCN39355 Moon & Clouds DSCN39318 Clouds At Sunrise DSCN39244 Green Leaf On Autumn Snow DSCN39237
Windblown Male Hooded Merganser DSCN39191 Two Rail Tracks At Sunrise DSCN39091-6 Turtle Island At Dawn DSCN39058-60 Swans Geese & Ducks In Sunrise Mist DSCN39005v2
Four Trumpeter Swans In Flight Over Sunrise Mist DSCN38973 Swans Taking Flight In Sunrise Mist DSCN38960 Halloween Blue Hunter's Moon Setting DSCN38876 Six Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN38829
Five Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN38818 Four Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN38783 Seven Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN38756 Seven Trumpeter Swans Overhead DSCN38753
First Ice Of The Season DSCN38751 Tracks In Snow DSCN38651 Robin Up Close DSCN38591 Mute Swan Couple DSCN38580
Two Mute Swans Cheek To Cheek DSCN38576 Interesting Sky DSCN38532 The Moon Through Clouds DSCN38495 Trumpeter Swans Flying Away DSCN38478
Two Trumpeter Swans Taking Flight DSCN38472 Trumpeter Swan Taking Flight DSCN38471 Autumn Barn DSCN38370 CMQ 3816 (DSCN38310)
Fallen Autumn Leaves In A Puddle DSCN38258 Autumn Leaf Galls DSCN38238 Wet Fallen Leaf DSCN38213 (crop) Clouded Sunrise DSCN38144-6
Paving Day DSCN38082 Swan & Goose DSCN38011 Lower Reach At Sunrise DSCN38002 Autumn Tamaracks DSCN37951
Boathouse At The Swale DSCN37935 Two Men In A Speeding Boat DSCN37912 'Art' Airborne Le Boat DSCN37884 American Tree Sparrow DSCN37744
Goldfinch With A Mouthful DSCN37680 Wet Fallen Maple Leaf DSCN37625 Autumn Victoria Basin DSCN37586 Beckwith Street Revitalization DSCN37532
Barn At Sunrise DSCN37445 Autumn Country Lane DSCN37442 Frosty Log DSCN37436-8A (BW) Rideau Canal Sunset DSCN37301-6
Clouded Sun Rising DSCN37245 Turtle Island At Sunrise DSCN37220 Two Mute Swans DSCN37200 Two Mute Swans DSCN37184SC
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight At Sunrise DSCN37075 Autumn Rideau Canal DSCN37068 Moon & Venus Over Autumn Trees DSCN37038 Five Le Boats At Blue Hour DSCN37025
Town Swan Reflected On Plywood DSCN36956 Autumn Trees At Buried Stone Arch Dam DSCN36902 Geese Flying Above Autumn Color DSCN36896-8 Autumn Bascule Bridge At Sunrise DSCN36873
Kingfisher Closeup DSCN36812 Kingfisher On A Rooftop DSCN36803 Abstract DSCN36765 White-crowned Sparrow On A Railing DSCN36723
First Winter White-crowned Sparrow DSCN36680 Red Orange Yellow DSCN36653 Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN36626-8 Moon & Jet DSCN36567.77
Contrails At Sunrise DSCN36558 Two Equine Pals DSCN36523 Autumnscape DSCN36488 Autumnscape DSCN36470
Autumnscape At Sunrise DSCN36430 Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN36422 A Le Boat Docked At Kilmarnock DSCN36412 A Le Boat Docked At Kilmarnock DSCN36406
Town Swans Early Morning DSCN36300 Laughing Wetback Cormorant DSCN36233 Otter Creek Sunrise DSCN36218 Fog At Sunrise DSCN36178
Two Trees In Blue Hour Fog DSCN36139 Birches In Autumn Color DSCN36058 'Art' Autumnscape DSCN36027 Autumn Tree DSCN35988
Autumnscape DSCN35982 Swale Autumnscape DSCN35949 Sandpiper On The Rocks DSCN35913 Sandpiper On The Rocks DSCN35906
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! DSCN35848 Autumn Rideau Canal DSCN35812 Clouded Harvest Moon-Mars Conjunction DSCN35777 Autumn Back Road DSCN35764
Interesting Sky DSCN35658 Skein Of Geese Over Autumn Swale DSCN35646 Cormorant Over-The-Shoulder Preening DSCN35605 Railway Museum Of Eastern Ontario DSCN35506
Cormorant Profile DSCN35473 Earthworm Head End DSCN35391 Autumn Back Road DSCN35334 Autumn Cataraqui Trail DSCN35320
Swale Autumnscape DSCN35247 Wet Autumn Leaf DSCN35208 CN Engine 1112 (DSCN35184) Sandpiper In The Canal DSCN35131
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