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Nikon Coolpix P1000 Photo Gallery

On 23 August 2019, despite its weight and large size, I bought a Nikon Coolpix P1000 superzoom camera since wildlife I had been seeing on the morning walks needed longer zoom than the cameras I already had.

Now, more than a year later (19 October 2020) and after shooting more than 12,000 brackets (36,000 shutter activations) I can say that the Nikon Coolpix P1000 is the first camera I've ever owned that has all the telephoto reach I can handle and for the first time in my life I am not interested in a camera with more. I still don't like its weight and large size but it's manageable. The camera is truly an amazing device and after discovering the equally amazing Topaz Labs DeNoise AI for noise removal, the P1000 has become my "go-to" camera for wildlife and nature photography. Basically, if my old eyes can see something in the distance, I can get a usable shot of it.

Then tragically on 12 May 2024 and 55,409 brackets (166,227 shutter activations) later, the P1000 abruptly and without warning died as I was simply walking with it, looking for the next bird. Sadly, this left me in a dilemma because after almost six years Nikon is no longer producing them or a new model to replace it and stores no longer have them in stock and there’s nothing available from any other manufacturer that rivals it (a truly one of a kind camera). Happily, it was then discovered that a friend of a friend had a virtually unused P1000, having taken only 52 shots with it before learning it was too much camera for him and he was happy to sell it to me on 22 May 2024.

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Swan Flapping Its Wings DSCN05027 Moon Waning Crescent 43.5% (DSCN04953) Three Beavers DSCN04905 Goose Flapping Its Wings DSCN04839
Swan Bullying Geese DSCN04780 Two Swans On Final Approach DSCN04744 Swan Landing Gear Down DSCN04745 Two Swans Approaching DSCN04738
Geese Going On Ice DSCN04688 Snow-Covered Frozen Swale DSCN04684 Two Juvenile Cormorants DSCN04642 Juvenile Trumpeter Swan Spreading Its Wings DSCN04564
First Icicles DSCN04494 Inquisitive Sheep DSCN04308 Flags In Wind DSCN04244-50 Autumn Leaves DSCN04239
Wet Leaf Closeup DSCN04156 Dewy Autumn Leaf DSCN04138 Autumn Morning Walk DSCN04118 Autumn Canal Light DSCN04085-7
Autumn Rideau Canal DSCN04079-81 Wet Window Screen DSCN04077 Grow Good Together DSCN04068 Starling On A Treetop DSCN04034
Wasp Nest DSCN04007 Autumn Grebe DSCN03973 Airborne Le Boat DSCN03904 The Le Boat Lineup DSCN03838
Foggy Autumn Morning DSCN03723 Channel Marker & Geese In Fog DSCN03717 Moon Craters DSCN03693crop Swan Ripple DSCN03618
Red Berries DSCN03597-9 Preening Swan DSCN03564 Swans Seeing Eye To Eye DSCN03542 Confederation Bridge In Mist DSCN03539
Autumn Cenotaph DSCN03458 Autumn Victoria Basin DSCN03399-01 Waning Hunter's Moon DSCN03333.7 Merganser Looking Up DSCN03310
Duck Island Autumn Trees DSCN03273 Grebe Twofer DSCN03243 Buried Stone Arch Dam DSCN03200-2 Young Male Wood Duck DSCN03170
Yellowjacket Reflected DSCN03119 (crop) Autumn Back Road DSCN03050-2 Blue-headed Vireo DSCN03027 Autumn Ivy At Sunrise DSCN03008-10
Misty Irish Creek Autumnscape DSCN02977 Misty Irish Creek Autumnscape DSCN02972-4 Backlit Blue Jay DSCN02964 Merganser On Otter Lake DSCN02943
Otter Lake Otter Feeding Frenzy DSCN02911 Loon Spreading Its Wings DSCN02846 Ducks In The Swale DSCN02789 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN02758
Kingfisher On A Pole DSCN02746 Kingfisher On A Cable DSCN02718 Autumn Swale DSCN02679 Merganser Scratching An Itch DSCN02668
Merganser Swallowing A Drink DSCN02602 Autumn Leaves DSCN02468 Kingfisher On A Dead Limb DSCN02453 Kingfisher On A Windsock DSCN02434
Grebe In Flight DSCN02395 Peregrine Falcon On A Water Tower DSCN02377 Gull In A Berry Tree DSCN02330 Kingfisher In A Dead Tree DSCN02274
Kingfisher On Bridge Railing DSCN02224 Swan Stretching Its Wings DSCN02210-11 Pied-billed Grebe In The Swale DSCN02127 Boathouses At The Swale In Fog DSCN02118
Fogbow Over The Swale DSCN02091.7 Kingfisher On A Dirty Wire DSCN02089 Early Autumn Tree DSCN02053-5 Peregrine Falcon Napping DSCN02045 (crop)
Peregrine Falcon Napping DSCN02045 Belted Kingfisher DSCN02025 Monarch Butterfly DSCN02014 Monarch Butterfly DSCN02014 (crop)
Monarch Butterfly DSCN02002 Monarch Butterfly Eye DSCN02002 (crop) Monarch Butterfly DSCN01986 Peregrine Falcon On A Water Tower DSCN01977
Gulls Over A Berry Tree DSCN01945 Heron & Swan DSCN01928 Kingfisher On A Wire DSCN01911 Heron On A Light Standard DSCN01887
Monarchs On Wild Asters DSCN01844 Monarch Photobombed By A Bee DSCN01829 Kingfisher On A Bridge Abutment DSCN01755 Osprey & Crow In A Tree DSCN01748
Monarch Butterfly DSCN01722 Bee On A Purple Wildflower DSCN01695 Heron On A Treetop DSCN01682 Gull On A Channel Marker DSCN01593
Peregrine Falcon Taking Flight DSCN01582 Monarch Waystation DSCN01527 Holey Monarch DSCN01515 Peregrine Falcon Stretching A Wing DSCN01483
Peregrine Falcon On A Water Tower DSCN01406 Dripping Grebe DSCN01327 Kingfisher On A Beam DSCN01302 Heron Lurking In Grass DSCN01292
Peregrine Falcon DSCN01251 Peregrine Falcon DSCN01246 Bee Sleeping Under Goldenrod DSCN01200 Bee Sleeping Under Goldenrod DSCN01200 (C&R)
Got My Ducks In A Row DSCN01183.5 Heron In Rapids DSCN01154 Heron In Rapids DSCN01137 Sign Of Autumn DSCN01110-2
Painted Lady On A Pink Clover DSCN01091 (crop) Painted Lady On A Pink Clover DSCN01091 Painted Lady On A Pink Clover DSCN01060 Cabbage Butterfly On A Purple Wildflower DSCN01005
The Blue Church DSCN00980 Heron In The Detached Basin DSCN00929 Juvenile Male Wood Duck DSCN00890 Grebe With Catch DSCN00867
Blue Jay DSCN00790 Contrails DSCN00762 Little Black Bee On A Wildflower DSCN00741 Little Black Bee On A Purple Wildflower DSCN00741
Osprey Portrait DSCN00736-7 Yawning Grebe DSCN00717 Heron Taking Flight Off Railway Bridge DSCN00702 Cedar Waxwing Profile DSCN00662
Heron Taking Flight DSCN0651 Pied-billed Grebe DSCN00636 Clayton FD 'Last Chance' Fire Boat DSCN00613 Tall Ships 'Empire Sandy' & 'St Lawrence II' DSCN00592 'Art'
Tall Ships 'Empire Sandy' & 'St Lawrence II' DSCN00592 Nao Santa Maria DSCN00584 The Topsail Schooner 'Pride of Baltimore II' Fires Its Cannon DSCN00580 The Brigantine 'Black Jack' Fires Its Cannon DSCN00571
The Brigantine 'Fair Jeanne' Fires Its Cannon DSCN00566 Laughing Heron DSCN00467 Male Wood Duck On A Mound DSCN00443 Bee Hanging From Goldenrod DSCN00354
Monarch Butterfly On Joe Pye Weed DSCN00348 Nuthatch With A Morsel DSCN00324 Handholding the Nikon P1000 (SRM-5516) Belted Kingfisher On A Beam DSCN00313
Pied-billed Grebe DSCN00289 Grasshopper Closeup DSCN00256 Milkweed Tussock Moth Caterpillar DSCN00234-5 28% Crescent Moon DSCN00220
Water Lily DSCN00196-8 Water Lily DSCN00196-8BW Kingfisher On A Roof DSCN00190-2 Wood Duck In The Swale DSCN00136
FZ80 vs P1000 (P1010302 vs DSCN00046)
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