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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Cityscapes Gallery > Quebec City 42276
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Quebec City 42276

Photographed in Quebec City, Quebec Canada.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/200s f/7.1 at 33.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Danny Forte22-Oct-2009 19:46
almost like a painting...great work!
Bob Pelkey18-Jun-2009 00:22
Very well shot, Gordon.
Guest 12-Sep-2008 18:12
Perfect in every way!
Scotty Graham12-Apr-2007 07:37
This one is my favorite. Great shot.
Guest 13-Oct-2006 16:06
wonderful image
Dallas Hyatt09-Oct-2006 05:38
This is just too good. Absolutely love it.
Dan Kirchner04-Oct-2006 01:21
I echo Karen's comment! Well done!
Karen Moen03-Oct-2006 00:47
Incredible light and color. Almost looks too perfect to be real! Voted.
Jean D02-Oct-2006 01:38
Gord,I second Gage 67. Splendid shot. Well finished! It truly looks like a painting.
Guest 30-Sep-2006 20:20
Wow, the lighting looks too good to be true. Just gazing down this street takes you to a different place. I love it.
Gerard Koehl30-Sep-2006 16:51
Superbe, on dirait un toile.
Barbara Heide30-Sep-2006 13:00
stunning colours! straight out of a fairy tale...stealing beauty!