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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Cityscapes Gallery >> Smiths Falls, Ontario Gallery >> Smiths Falls Wildlife >> Finches of Smiths Falls > House Finch Liking The Lichen DSCN138966
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17-Jul-2023 Gordon L Wolford

House Finch Liking The Lichen DSCN138966

(Carpodacus mexicanus)

Photographed at Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Nikon COOLPIX P1000
1/500s f/6.3 at 324.0mm (1800mm EFL Handheld) iso280 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time17-Jul-2023 07:37:22
ModelCOOLPIX P1000
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length324 mm
Exposure Time1/500 sec
ISO Equivalent280
Exposure Bias1.00
White Balance0
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Qualitynormal (2)
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto