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Gordon W | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Shots > Clouds In Sunrise 20120609
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09-Jun-2012 Gordon L Wolford

Clouds In Sunrise 20120609

Photographed near Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik04-Jul-2012 03:16
Awesome clouds and colors! A great new addition for your sunrises/sunsets gallery.
Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Jun-2012 09:28
Wonderful composition and superb colors. V
Stuart Smith10-Jun-2012 04:00
James O. Harle09-Jun-2012 21:06
Wow...Well Done
Terry Olsen09-Jun-2012 19:51
What a fantastic sky! Well done. V