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May Haga's Recent Galleries

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12-May-2016 00:47
:: Vireos ::
28-Apr-2016 02:12
Cuba February and March 2016
:: Cuba February and March 2016 ::
27-Jan-2016 22:13
Diving Ducks
:: Diving Ducks ::
23-Jan-2016 18:17
 Brazil, August 2015
::  Brazil, August 2015 ::
19-Jan-2016 23:39
Sparrows, Towhees and Juncos
:: Sparrows, Towhees and Juncos ::
19-Jan-2016 23:32
Grosbeak, Finches, Siskins, Crossbills and House Sparrows
:: Grosbeak, Finches, Siskins, Crossbills and House Sparrows ::
19-Jan-2016 23:26
Bobolinks, Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, Grackles and Cowbirds
:: Bobolinks, Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, Grackles and Cowbirds ::
19-Jan-2016 23:23
Tanager, Cardinal and Rose-breasted Grosbeak
:: Tanager, Cardinal and Rose-breasted Grosbeak ::
19-Jan-2016 23:18
:: Warblers ::
19-Jan-2016 23:10
:: Thrushes ::
19-Jan-2016 23:01
Wrens, Kinglets and Wheatear
:: Wrens, Kinglets and Wheatear ::
19-Jan-2016 22:54
Chickadees, Nuthatches and Titmice
:: Chickadees, Nuthatches and Titmice ::