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Derrel21-Jan-2009 04:44
You have some very fine photographs of New Jersey. I went there back in 1997 and was greatly saddened by the urban decay and poverty I saw all around Newark. I like your approach to urban photography,and think you're doing great work.
Guest 20-Jun-2007 05:55
Great work! Hope you post more pictures soon.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:42
Wonderfully magical.
Guest 06-Mar-2007 14:14
Your work is amazing!
Klopus04-Mar-2006 15:07
Anno, I just got the lens and didn't have chance much to use it. Still I've put some initial impressions here:

I purchased 17-70 based on very interesting reviews here:

Canon mount:

Nikon mount:

Both reviews are thorough and with samples. Despite looking at different mounts both come to similar and very favorable conclusions.
Anno 03-Mar-2006 19:04
dear sir,
As far as I understood you are an owner / user of a Sigma 17-70 mm. Can you write me how bad or how good that lens is? I work with a D200, 12-24, 35, 28-105, 85 and 70-200 mm. I still look around for a digital 28-105. The Nikor 17-55 is pretty expensive, the kit lens is just so/so. What about the Sigma 17-70 mm?


Anno Huidekoper, the Netherlands