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jrdigitalart | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to my little portfolio. Nice to have you around. Take your time. I do.

ABOUT ME: I believe SLOOOW photography is the way to go. I like to contemplate what I see and savour, what
I consider, is my personal privilege of being there.

Furthermore, if you favour "jazzed up colours", there's none to be found here. These pics are rendered as I saw
them, in deep appreciation of this privilege of being there to witness what I see.

Too much "photoshopping" in the digital world. I believe that the world's population needs to change its priorities,
cease demanding that nature conforms to our demands and instead ask how we can bend to nature's needs.

I prioritize my decisions, placing precedence on the celebration of the moment and secondly the standard of the shot.

So take your time, look around here and please leave an opinion (or three). I'd love to hear from you.

For your viewing pleasure, there are 4 viewing options to choose from below the title and text of each picture.
Choose the last one, 'Original' for a closer look. It may call for use of the scroll bars, but it might lead to a better
viewing experience.

Sincerest regards, Jim Roelofs,
Metal Birds
:: Metal Birds ::
Rain Forests and Waterfalls
:: Rain Forests and Waterfalls ::
Feathered Friends
:: Feathered Friends ::
Illustrative Picturing
:: Illustrative Picturing ::
:: Portraits ::
Stitched Panoramas
:: Stitched Panoramas ::
:: Framed ::
Graphic Art
:: Graphic Art ::
:: Lunar ::
Alpine NP
:: Alpine NP ::
:: Bright ::
Wodonga City Parklands
:: Wodonga City Parklands ::
Other Local Creatures
:: Other Local Creatures ::