Boujour Jerome,
Tes photos de familles et de voyages sont tres belles.
Tu sembles avoir beaucoup de temps pour les voyages.
J'espere que tu te rappeles de ta carriere a la Sun Life.
Donnes de tes nouvelles.
P.S. Je travaille avec les Chevaliers de Colomb (Knights of Columbus) au Connecticut.
Pour plus amples information, repond.
23-Aug-2006 15:08
I leave a message for Sophie:
your Bcn pictures are great. I enjoy very much coming to know what visitors like of this city, where I live since about 25 years. I love Barcelona.
Well, thanks for sharing and just a very small comment: Sagrada Familia is not a cathedral, it´s called an "expiatory temple". it might not be important, but as you gave very precise data I thought you should know it.
thanks for visiting my page with my views from Barcelona,