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Iren 27-Jun-2016 07:56
Hello! Want to buy your photo. If it is possible, please contact me.
janescottcumming04-Jul-2013 23:53
I am so impressed with your photography. I have only looked quickly at a few of your galleries. I plan to return when I can devote the time to each gallery that it deserves. Most enjoyable to visit here. Thanks for sharing your view of the world.
MP Carney23-Nov-2012 05:15
Your photographic skill is exceptional, very beautiful collections.
Ed Peterson11-Feb-2012 01:03
Fantastic galleries. Love the color you achieve.
colorfotos18-Jan-2012 01:07
You have amazing photographic skills and many spectacular photos. Thanks for sharing!!
José Paulo 17-Sep-2011 12:39
Beautiful!. Congratulations.
Martin Logan 22-Sep-2010 23:03
Hua Zhu, if I had to choose but 1 Pbase contributor of all those here. . . You would be the one. Your photos are absolutely breathtaking!! Keep up your endeavour!!