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Gavin Mclaughlan | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 28-Apr-2010 09:18
Hey Gavin,
Great photos, noticed you haven't uploaded any for a while-hope all is well. I'm a trainee and have found a lot of pics to be really handy for route knowledge, especially doing study at home and trying to remember stations and where home sticks are, blah blah. keep up the great work.
sheltondcruz04-Jan-2010 02:48
fantastic photos Gavin - thanks for sharing them - really like the one near Nrt Melbourne station where you are stopped at a Red signal and the sun had just gone down, those searchlight signals look a treat!

Dietmar 13-Nov-2009 14:51
Please stay with Pentax, I went to Nikon...
Guest 13-Nov-2009 14:46
Please stay with Pentax, I went to Nikon.....
Guest 25-Oct-2009 09:08
please don't upgrade to the k7....
Guest 06-Sep-2009 15:03
Dont worry about the haters Gavin, keep doing what you do best
Guest 24-Aug-2009 14:11
Hey, where are the July and August 2009 trains? Tip: Upload the 12 best for each month. You have some nice images, but it is really too much. I also have the K20D and browse the galleries sometimes, but each time I can´t believe that you make no assortment. Or is this already an assortment, oh my god? Sorry for this harsh comment, but I think you neutralize your skills and reputation here. Photography also means to focus on the essential. Take care!
Guest 21-Jul-2009 12:40
Mate.. I appreciate your efforts in putting this gallery together. But I think its a bit too much. Every time I browse the K20D gallery, its flooded with the train pics. Hope u understand my sentiments.
mitch:)17-May-2009 12:55
hey mate i'd just like to say you have some great photos, are you a train driver by any chance?

or did you just like walk into the drivers cabbin to get some of those photos?
Guest 05-May-2009 16:46
Hi Marky,I don't like Gavin has a k20d because it is now associated with trains;-)
marky01-Apr-2009 17:13
I like your rich, saturated photos.
I noticed you used the Pentax D for a long time,
briefly with the DS, then content with the K20d.

Was there anything you didn't like about the DS?
Is the K20d so much better than the others?

Thanks again
Guest 14-Mar-2009 17:16
Nice photos, I really enjoyed browsing through them.

I'm just curious as to why there's none of "THE MET" comengs?

And also I think some side on shots would be valuable to your collection as you don't have many/any.

Keep doing what you're doing.
Ian Bell01-Mar-2009 09:28
Just discoverd your excellent galleries. Must be great to photo trains in the sunshine most of the time. Keep up the grat work. Ian
Ahmed 18-Feb-2009 04:14
Thanks for the photos each month posted. I was wondering if u get pictures of inside of the the Vline Velocity trains, Siemans and Alstom Train
Guest 12-Feb-2009 21:31
Still a pain in the ass aren't you...??
Guest 14-Jan-2009 17:08
hahaha,the last one wasn't me!
Please,post them somewhere else!
Guest 16-Dec-2008 14:49
You are a chief guard, right? I would be afraid if I knew the chief guard of the train I am sitting in is taking photos all the time! I respect your passion for photos and trains, but each time I search for K20D photos trains are displained, trains, trains, trains and always the same.....
Guest 21-Nov-2008 22:37
still trains trains trains blèh blèh....
Guest 24-Oct-2008 06:24
only boring trains.....nothing else.
Michael "Comeng301M" Coley 06-Oct-2008 11:09
I have known Gavin for a couple of years now and he has become a good mate of mine over that time. There is never a dull moment when he is around.
Gavin takes a very meticulous approach to photography and the results show it as his photographs continue to go from strength to strength. Many times, I've looked to Gavins photography for inspiration and ideas.
Well done mate, Keep it up.
AAAAARHH 29-Sep-2008 20:38
Please stop uploading pictures of trains!!!!....or go to nikon or canon.......
Luzikz - Photography24-Aug-2008 01:12
Congratulations for your GREAT SHOTS about trains!!!
I love trains.

Best regards,
Luzikz - Photography24-Aug-2008 01:11
Problably you would like to visit this link with portuguese train photos:

Best regards,
Richard Baker 11-Aug-2008 10:02
Good galleries Gavin, I'm enjoying them, by the way what does DC approved mean in realtion to the bright LED lights ? what/who is DC ?

Regards Richard
Guest 26-Jul-2008 12:03
Is the photo showing buckled rail line available at a larger size, for reproduction in a book to be published (Macmillan Education Australia)? Please contact me at brendan.g at
Andrew & Vline friends 14-May-2008 18:17
Well done! I can see you have put alot of time and passion into these shots. Thanks for sharing.
shane 04-May-2008 11:48
excellent shots.Well done and thank you so much for sharing.I found the black and white days as fantastic.Nice to see a shot of orbost and nowa nowa.Thank you
Ashtonian08-Sep-2006 19:43
These are very interesting galleries.
Bruno 13-May-2006 09:33
Very beautiful galleries ! Congratulations !