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Greg Bradley | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jamie Fenner 28-Aug-2021 06:28
Hi Greg,
I don't stargaze with a telescope these days because I can't tolerate late nights/cold, and it does get cold here in Canberra. (I am a member of the Canberra Astro Society)

I stumbled across your gallery and it is beautiful, thanks for taking these images and sharing them with armchair astronomers

I hope we may all be out of lockdown sooner rather than later, but first of all keep well

Jamie Fenner
Age 67
Jussi 18-Nov-2020 08:25

I see you have used 0.66 Reducer on your Planewave with Kaf 16803, how has this been working on you?
Gregg Thompson 22-Oct-2018 03:22
HI Greg
Do you have a contact email? We are publishing a stargazing book and would love to use one of your images.
Thanks Gregg Thompson
Jacinta 03-Nov-2015 00:58
Hello Greg, Wonderful images. I am part of a group organising an Astronomy Festival in Sydney April, next year and we are looking for someone to run some Astrophotography workshops. Could you please email me to discuss this further.
pacs22-May-2015 18:39
Great photo !
cheveux gras19-May-2015 06:40
Nice Gallery
tresse15-May-2015 16:46
Je ne peux qu'être en admiration devant votre gallerie
Tylie Guldemond 26-Oct-2014 02:02
Fantastic portfolio of work Uncle Greg!! Ryan and I loved going through all the amazing pictures. Much love, Tylie
jonathan alford 26-Dec-2013 04:09
Why doesn't the Milky Way actually look like your photos, and all of the other photos on the internet. Is it because you leave the film exposed for a certain length of extended time? I have also seen motion footage where it looks like this, but I don't know how that works really versus still shots. I would fall over if I saw that in my sky, and I wish I could. Thanx
Terry J. Graham25-May-2013 15:46
Very nice Greg......
Guest 14-Jul-2012 02:17
Hi Greg,

Am interested in having contact with you about yr CDK17 (assuming you still have it) e-mail me please
Guest 07-Jul-2012 02:46
Greg. Can you give details about your setup with the MOAG. I have an AP140 and I'm thinking about getting one for stl11000.
Federico 02-Jan-2012 13:54
Dear Greg, I'm reviewing the TEC 110FL for an Italian magazine.
Could I use your shot of the forest King as example in my test?
Theank you
Federico Manzini
Sakib 29-Oct-2011 15:37
Hello Greg, you have some great images, I really like your target selections! I could send you a list of about 200 obscure galaxies!
Scott Short 11-Jan-2011 17:57
Beautiful Images of the night sky.
But, on another note, I love your metal domes and roof work. WOW!

Thank you for sharing both
javier alves 03-Sep-2009 16:58
hello greg, my namme is javier from argentina, and really i think that your works are incredible.
Florent Law-wun01-Apr-2009 13:06
Magnifiques photos. Je fais de l'astronomie modestement depuis un an et j'ai commencé à faire des photos.
gsl00714-Jun-2008 00:44
Wonderful, wonderful. I had an Astrophysics myself once but never got anything approaching your work.
Guest 03-Jun-2008 18:16
Very nice work Greg. I haven't seen so much from "down under" and your collection is impressive. Very nice resolution.
St. Louis, Missouri USA
Bill Klein07-Feb-2008 02:55
Thank you for sharing these! tHEY ARE FANTASTIC!
gsl00725-Dec-2007 23:02
Really superb astrophotography Greg. I enjoyed looking at all your images.
Guest 16-Oct-2007 12:28
All I can say is WOW! Some of the best pictures I've seen.
Guest 28-Jul-2007 18:31
I can't help but think that all the black areas would be filled with light, if you could see just a bit further. Spectacular images!!!
Gar Cropser27-Jan-2007 06:50
Hi, Greg
Your images are truly amazing. I haven't seen any better. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Stargazer 17-Dec-2006 09:42
hi Greg,
impressive webpage with super-astro-images!
It is very nicely sorted and You have some real stunning results!
keep up the good work!
Dixie Dobbins 11-Sep-2006 14:45
Wow ! Greg, you are fantastic! You must have some type of telescope that you shoot through? your work is amazing!
It made my day to see your beautiful photographs. Would love to hear from you. I am a female photographer who lives in the US.
My email is
thank you!