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Galleria Rusticana
Valle Robaire,

Sadly I have to record that our Mate Rob Gibson passed away in the
early morning of twelve August 2011.

Robs memory will live on in these pages through his imaginative and
creative photography and the thoughts of his many friends throughout the world.
He gained enormous pleasure from Rusticana and as his mobility declined
his world opened up as he steered his Big Mac through an ever expanding archive
creating Galleria after Galleria and adding effortlessly to our amazing group of friends.

Rob delighted in filling in the many gaps in Rusticana caused by my
frequent absences to the far corners and this has maintained a sense of immediacy
and timeliness on the Site.

I will not be able to emulate his achievements in this area although
I will aim as high as I can.

I fondly hope Gentle Viewer that you will come back to Rusticana and
remember with me and all our other friends a great photographer and one of
Natures true Gentlemen.

In Mates
:: In Mates ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
Four-twenty gallery
:: Four-twenty gallery ::
:: Aegyptica ::
Galleria Macro Photography
:: Galleria Macro Photography ::
Galleria Panoramae
:: Galleria Panoramae ::
Galleria Histograms
:: Galleria Histograms ::
Other Mates
:: Other Mates ::
Galleria Noir-Blanc
:: Galleria Noir-Blanc ::
Galleria Wine and Roses
:: Galleria Wine and Roses ::
Galleria Solstitium
:: Galleria Solstitium ::
Trevor from Bundaberg's shots
:: Trevor from Bundaberg's shots ::
Galleria Lunaria
:: Galleria Lunaria ::
:: Schiermonnikoog ::
Galleria Wideangulus
:: Galleria Wideangulus ::
Galleria Archaeologica
:: Galleria Archaeologica ::
Portus Jacksonia
:: Portus Jacksonia ::
Best of Other Mates
:: Best of Other Mates ::
Galleria Hobartus - A Blue Water Classic
:: Galleria Hobartus - A Blue Water Classic ::
New Years Eve 2008 A Festival of Light
:: New Years Eve 2008 A Festival of Light ::
Galleria Canus Major
:: Galleria Canus Major ::
Submarine Mines
:: Submarine Mines ::
Galleria Siblingae Maximus et Minimus et Sisterinlorae
:: Galleria Siblingae Maximus et Minimus et Sisterinlorae ::
Galleria Deserta Arabica
:: Galleria Deserta Arabica ::
Galleria Yachting in Sydney
:: Galleria Yachting in Sydney ::
Galleria Norde
:: Galleria Norde ::
The Panorama Society
:: The Panorama Society ::
Galleria Hobartus Secundus
:: Galleria Hobartus Secundus ::
Djeser  Djeseru
:: Djeser Djeseru ::
Galleria Aeronauticus
:: Galleria Aeronauticus ::
Galleria Noctus Illuminatus
:: Galleria Noctus Illuminatus ::
Aegyptica - The Western Oases
:: Aegyptica - The Western Oases ::
Double Dutch
:: Double Dutch ::
Galleria Iconae Bizantia
:: Galleria Iconae Bizantia ::
Galleria Oncle et Neveu
:: Galleria Oncle et Neveu ::
Galleria Seventwenty
:: Galleria Seventwenty ::
Galleria Pearl Harbour
:: Galleria Pearl Harbour ::
Galleria Automobilii
:: Galleria Automobilii ::
Galleria Hong Kong
:: Galleria Hong Kong ::
Galleria Sudan
:: Galleria Sudan ::
Galleria Paris
:: Galleria Paris ::
Galleria Legz and Flarez
:: Galleria Legz and Flarez ::