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Profile for Frank Brault
Name Frank Brault (joined 30-Dec-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username frank_b
Location New England
New England
View Galleries : Frank Brault has 174 galleries and 7669 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 4806483 times.

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Message from Frank Brault
"Art is an innate distrust of the theory of reality concocted by the five senses." Robert Brault

Although my non-abstract photos are reasonably straight-forward ( I may remove something, but I do not add new objects), they are intended to be interpretive - not literal - and may be somewhat idealized. I believe there is more to photography than recording what I see. However, at the same time I try to maintain a level of verisimilitude to the subject of the image.

Thanks to all who view, comment or vote.

Frank Brault
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