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Fred DeGregorio | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 14-Jan-2025 18:15
I have your photograph of the bridge at Colt State Park in Bristol, RI. I have received many compliments.
Hope you are still taking photos. LB
Deb 29-Mar-2010 14:58
I have been admiring your photographs on the walls at the Miriam Hosp in Providence, of all places. We love southwest art and have had trouble finding it here. I found your galleries on line. Where can I purchase photos? Are you a Rhode Islander, I've noticed some local pieces.
Mike 30-Jan-2009 03:18
Been appricating your fine work on the wall of RIH ,and also on your web site .Love to go to Isreal, to atleast take some Pics.Have you tried historic section of Newport , Cape Air to the islands ( pictureus @1000 ft )old grist mills are nice too .
Jason Beauchemin 31-Dec-2007 18:48
Providence was a very nice addition to your collection. As an urban planning afficionado, I can appreciate the images you've produced. Excellent job - as always!