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Ellen Michaels's Recent Galleries

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14-Nov-2024 06:31
Sparrows in Central Park
:: Sparrows in Central Park ::
12-Nov-2024 04:47
Birds in Central Park
:: Birds in Central Park ::
11-Nov-2024 07:20
Central Park Waterfowl
:: Central Park Waterfowl ::
06-Nov-2024 05:59
Central Park Birds of Prey
:: Central Park Birds of Prey ::
02-Nov-2024 05:05
Owls in Central Park
:: Owls in Central Park ::
25-Oct-2024 04:31
Warblers in Central Park
:: Warblers in Central Park ::
21-Oct-2024 02:21
Central Park Woodpeckers
:: Central Park Woodpeckers ::
29-Sep-2024 04:17
Insects in Central Park
:: Insects in Central Park ::
25-Sep-2024 01:55
Central Park Dragonflies & Damselflies
:: Central Park Dragonflies & Damselflies ::
23-Sep-2024 04:28
Central Park Butterflies
:: Central Park Butterflies ::
18-Jul-2024 00:15
Ellen Michaels Paintings
:: Ellen Michaels Paintings ::
27-May-2024 20:37
Central Park Wildflowers
:: Central Park Wildflowers ::