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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Non-public backup directories and photos - don't DELETE - you will lose the good photos and directories too! >> Old Advertisements 12/18/07 >> TEMP - DELETE when you figure it out right >> Old National and Miami Area ADVERTISEMENTS - All Years - click on image to view >> Old LOCAL Advertisements in the MIAMI area > 1962 - Frances Wodzinski, bride-to-be, with Don Boyd in a Miami News advertisement
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2-MAY-1962 The Miami News

1962 - Frances Wodzinski, bride-to-be, with Don Boyd in a Miami News advertisement

Miami, Florida

Frances Wodzinski was selected from a group of ladies getting married in June 1962 by The Miami News to appear in their annual bridal section offering tips to brides regarding weddings and receptions. The bridal section also contained ads from businesses interested in attracting folks who were about to be married. And of course all newlywed couples should subscribe to The Miami News to get "Today's News Today!" I was 14 years old at the time and had a huge route around Palm Springs Junior High and west into the Palm Springs Estates area, built by the Lovell Brothers.

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Guest 24-Jan-2025 00:24
I use to have a route in the Melrose area of Miami nw 30 ave and 29 st
We would have to do our own collecting on Fridays if I remember correctly
Lost most of my customers when they built the new bus office and repair shop on 32 ave
Randy 16-Feb-2022 00:57
Love this pic. I started as a paperboy with The Miami News a year later. It sure brings back memories.
Geoff 11-Aug-2011 00:28
Hey, check out those jalousie windows! Man, I have to admit, I miss them!
Geoff 11-Aug-2011 00:26
Frances Wodzinski must have been a professional bride-to-be! I've seen her in several ads!
Native Miamiam 11-Nov-2009 04:22
What a different wolrd it was back then. Look at it now and there is no comparison in the quality of life or people.
Guest 03-May-2008 14:52
My daugher also had a Miami News route in NMB. We would wrap the papers together then stuff them in her bicycle basket and off she would go. It was a great way for kids to learn the responsibility of having a boss and earning their own money. Looking at the picture reminded me of how clean cut kids used to look and dress. It's like they were all shortly off to business school for college degrees (still that way for those who dress and act appropriately).