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Laurel Clive 02-Jun-2013 19:13
Amazing Clicks...I get to learn a lot...Cheers....
warren hukill 14-Mar-2013 17:07
Click -- You da man!
papa_lima03-Feb-2013 15:26
Don't pay any heed to those who can't see what you want to say. This is your way. Not theirs. Go to it. Be you.
Guest 15-Jun-2012 20:11
You call yourself a photographer?
Peter Terezakis 09-Oct-2011 16:55
Click, your work is fun, refreshing, and great to look at (thank you for the beautiful, often nude, women!). Clad in his iconic trench coat, your everyman (Odysseus) character is a wonderful device. I see him as I see myself: having become aware of the greater world just before transforming into a Kafka-like humorless cog in a self-important self-made machine.

The fun you have in creating your work is infectious. Whether I am in California, New York, or Europe, everyone who sees your work loves your images. Such is the power of a positive vision. Then again, I am fortunate to deal mostly with intelligent, happy, successful people.

Artists will always have detractors. The more distinct the oeuvre, the more ridiculous the negative response can be. Paraphrasing Oscar Wilde, a corrupt miserable critic will rage because they see their face in your work - or not see themselves in your work. You cannot expect to "win" around people who are unhappy, corrupt, or threatened by what you create.

The web brings intimate intellectual contact with an equal measure of anonymity (unless you can grab their IP address!). Letting some self-important douche bag rain on your parade is a disservice to all who support your work.

A direct steal from Wilde, "Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming." This certainly applies to closeted members of your audience with inverted dicks.
Guest 07-Oct-2010 17:21
If I Only Had a Brain

I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin' while
my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le,
In trouble or in pain.
With the thoughts you'll be thinkin'
you could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain.
Oh, I could tell you why The ocean's near the shore.
I could think of things I never thunk before.
And then I'd sit, and think some more.
I would not be just a nothin' my head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry,
If I only had a brain.
Click Hamilton26-Jan-2010 21:42
Decerning Critic?
Who the fuck are you, and why do you have to hide behind a fake name to say this?
Your dick is inverted, and it screwed up your brain.
discerning 31-Dec-2009 01:46
The worst thing that can be said about anyone's attempts at an artistic endeavor, is to find their attempts boring. Yours are truly forgettable. You've managed to regurgitate every cliche with the sureness that only someone of your ilk could manage. You have taken hackneyed to new lows.
Paul E. Springer Digital Photography14-Nov-2009 19:47
WOW! This is one of the coolest photo Galleries on the web!!! love the shots and the inspiration. Great work.
photohog 19-Sep-2009 06:41
my hero! I want to be as free as you. I've tried being creative for my last 250,000 photos. but man you take it above and below the next ten levels. I'm gonna take off the blinders thanks to click. love the combo shit color and B&W that I been doing so long without anyone saying that they even saw it.
Norm Fischer 08-Apr-2009 00:15
It's going to take me five or six hours of being appalled, just total appalled for the next ten to fourteen hours here, but I'm willing to study each and every image for as long as it takes to fine some social redeeming value. Butt I think I'm going to be LMAO mostly.
Guest 08-Feb-2009 10:02
You are The Best :)
Your work is trully inspiring and very creative and I love the humor in it.
Thanks for sharing! All The Best for U
sweety 19-Oct-2008 16:01
great shoots , love them!
APHRA 19-Sep-2008 23:16
Most pleasing to the eyes & mind - chow...
Howard Search 14-Sep-2008 19:04
Every time I get worried about my photographic immage and inspirition, I look at your work and realize we are supposed to play at this. Keep up the fantastic work!
Guest 24-Jun-2008 22:06
your work is amazing .. gives me vision thanks B
Fotis D. Tirokomos29-May-2008 13:22
superman is clark kent
Frode Johansen14-Feb-2008 19:46
Love your work. Beautiful
Jeff10-Jan-2008 17:00
Click what AMAZING IMages!
Your work is trully inspiring.
Thanks for the creativity and the humor and the sensual ladies.

Dave Hein30-Dec-2007 17:36
I never believed for a minute that one gallery here could be enough to contain you.
Thanks so much for pointing me here. I'm enjoying this more than should be possible.
Anthony Stubbs 25-Oct-2007 08:43
I know Click. People will start talking soon. I just can't stay away! Yer' just too damn entertaining to be ignored. Yeh...ok...good looks and charm too! :)
Inna 23-Oct-2007 15:53
I am loving your work!
wayno 09-Oct-2007 02:57
Click. You were beter than the art on the wall at Dig II. Looking forward to your new work.
Guest 24-Jun-2007 04:13
Great galleries and I add in my favorite
I will come back and see photos!!!
Guest 20-Jun-2007 06:09
This is stellar work. If I ever see you, I might just ask for your signature.
Hodero18-Jun-2007 07:29
You are a great artist mi amigo !!
Agnes T. Ackerl07-Jun-2007 19:29
Your pictures cheered me up today. Your work is very creative and I love the humor in it. Thanks for sharing!

Regards, Agnes
Guest 06-Jun-2007 00:37
Hi Click,

One thing I see in your images,is that you were having fun. Isn't that the most important thing!! Great fun images! We need more photographs like these.
Guest 29-May-2007 00:42
Holy moly! Absolutly photograghy at it's pinnicle of greatness!!
Guest 10-May-2007 09:54
Dear Click,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
davidepstein15-Apr-2007 15:47
you brought a smile to face!

Great humor, pictures done with technical skill.

I added you to my favorites group will be looking forward to see what else you will be doing.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:39
I have great respect for your work.
Mark Koeppen14-Dec-2006 15:29

Unpredictable from every angle and that is what makes you a truly fascinating and funny artist. You have put excitement and mystery in what can be just a bunch of naked lady shots. It appears all involved, especially you, are having fun. And if you can't have fun in what you do...shut the f*** up (probably quoted by Chris Rock)

I particularly like how you processed your portrait with the models image, it clearly keeps the focus on the model, literally.

The message portrayed in your 'pc' (perverted costume) is a hoot. Now, isn't this what all glamour and fashion photog's look like beneath their cloats? I'm showing this gallery to all my other bud's who can appreciate a fine piece of art.

Gus01-Nov-2006 05:37
I don't believe you on 1, 2, and 3. You could, however, add that you take great pictures!

1. I am Ham Hamilton III, Esq.
2. My friends call me "Click"
3. Camera is a Kodak Duaflex II with Kodet Lens
4. I love life
Guest 01-Nov-2006 05:35
nice works

Kal Khogali05-Sep-2006 14:54
You have a rare technical skill that goes beyond creative talent and makes great photography..ha!...You are truly a Star rising Click ;-)K
Slug18-Jan-2006 14:20
You have a rare creative talent that goes beyond technical skill and makes great photography. Hope to see more.