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All Cameras >> Minolta >> Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 09-Feb-2004
Megapixels: 8
Random Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2 Samples from 22067 available Photos more
g3/01/335801/3/59008131.Avril197.jpg g3/82/645382/3/57354345.wRedLeaves.jpg u44/merriwolf/medium/28811315.TF04SideShow1634.jpg g4/82/645382/3/61258312.AutumnLeaves17.jpg
g6/52/769752/3/78900979.WHcCqiWV.jpg g5/45/649545/3/100910089.LTSeZBbJ.jpg v3/55/400055/3/44702684.PICT2507.jpg g1/96/614796/3/97858687.fGT694Yt.jpg
u15/alangrant/medium/41998868.Spain2005_PICT3376.jpg g6/53/8353/3/71353239.RtggHrTv.jpg g4/33/690033/3/65020756.0QeOfPCy.jpg g4/51/588451/3/59243576.Partialeclipse.jpg

Guest 18-Aug-2007 10:45
I bought this camera about 2 years ago for $800. This little thing still amaze me and I bring it along on shooting in my bag... It's a good bridge with my D200.
Slug03-Apr-2004 21:25
Lots of information at the MTF Ax FAQ

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