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Calista Antonio's Recent Galleries

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21-Jan-2008 09:34
Demo Reel
:: Demo Reel ::
18-Dec-2007 02:03
Calista in Pictures
:: Calista in Pictures ::
03-Nov-2007 20:32
Photoshop ArtWork
:: Photoshop ArtWork ::
20-Oct-2007 05:38
Character Design
:: Character Design ::
12-Sep-2007 19:26
Work In Progress
:: Work In Progress ::
26-Aug-2007 09:21
3D ArtWork
:: 3D ArtWork ::
12-Aug-2007 03:13
Lighting and Texture
:: Lighting and Texture ::
12-Aug-2007 03:10
:: Information ::
12-Jun-2007 08:57
:: StoryBoarding ::
07-May-2007 00:38
Life Drawing
:: Life Drawing ::
03-Apr-2007 04:58
Family Trip to Jogjakarta City 2004
:: Family Trip to Jogjakarta City 2004 ::
01-Apr-2007 12:08
My Family
:: My Family ::