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Harel Boren | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

It was 12 years ago, and counting, that my wife relayed to me one question a friend was asked in one of those banal day-workshops we all know too well: "What would be the first 3 things you'd do if you had all the money in the world?" was the question. Though we both never considered it too serious at the time, and without referring to my first two replies - my third and final was: "I'd buy myself a telescope". It stunned me how easy and quick that idea came up in mind, after a 30 years long break from this wonderful hobby. There are some known lyrics in Hebrew saying "It wasn't gone, but rather only sleeping". Well, evidently, it was hibernating for thirty years at the back of my mind...

And boy, what an awakening that was.. I very quickly found my literally inexistent free time, left after tech, deep learning and chess, to be completely immersed in stars, galaxies and nebulae :)

Our Remote-Operated observatories are now spread across locations up high on the mountains of Southern Spain, very high up at the Dolomites, Italy, and also deep in the Kalahari desert, the Sky Gems Observatories Network Our pride and joy observatories are equipped with state of the art equipment, by the top vendors on this planet, e.g. Officina Stellare RiDK 305 F7.9 and Riccardi-Honders Veloce RH 200, riding Astrosysteme Austira ASA DDM 60 and 85 mounts, using superb CCD and CMOS cooled cameras fit with state of the art E-Series GenII, and NB 5mm Astrodon filters.

Finally, beyond the thrill of continuous revelation (as science wasn't dormant during those thirty years) and the thrill of seeing the Almighty's creation, up close and personal, astro-imaging brings about some of the sights I share with you on this site. Some are good, and some are better (:-)).

Please feel absolutely free to connect with me at any time, on any topic, at:
The Full Image Gallery
The Full Image Gallery
International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications
International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications
Kalahari Southen Skies
Kalahari Southen Skies
Southern Sky Gems Observatory
Southern Sky Gems Observatory
Equipment & Star Parties
Equipment & Star Parties
Given Names to Astronomical Objects
Given Names to Astronomical Objects
Other Objects
Other Objects
Messier Objects
Messier Objects
Caldwell Objects
Caldwell Objects
New Year Greetings - 2014
New Year Greetings - 2014
Veloce + ASA @ Nerpio, Spain
Veloce + ASA @ Nerpio, Spain