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Profile for ashok v
Name ashok v (joined 18-Jan-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username ashok_viswanathan
Location Chennai- India
Chennai- India
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My photography goes back to the early 70's with a Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta roll film camera, graduating to a Minolta SRT 101,Nikkormant Ftn and finally to a Nikon FM with 28mm/75-150 mm zoom and a 50mm f1.4 lens. I prefer 35 mm for the ease and flexibility it offers. Ishot FP3 and HP3 as also Kodachrome II (iso 25) and Kodachrome 64 (iso 64). Monochrome prints were produced on Ilford bromide paper or Agfa. At times i also shot ORWO NP55 a left over movie stock that i got from generous cinematographers.

During the early 70s while still a high school student, i managed the school darkroom developing & printing images for my self and the school magazine. Also taught basic photography to interested senior students who used the darkroom on weekends. From 1973 -79 ran the college photographic club and analog darkroom equipped with a Durst enlarger as well as organised inter-college exhibitions and participating in competitions held by other colleges in India. The student members produced work of a high standard winning some prestigious awards in the process. Most noteable being the " Dr Kosh rolling trophy" at the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai.

In early 2002 explored digital with a Olympus D460 digital with 1.3 MP. . upgraded a year later to a Nikon D100 DSLR (6.1MP) with a 24~85 f2.8 Nikon AF macro zoom. Later adding the classic 14mm f2.8 Nikon AFD and the 80-200 f2.8 AF-ED nikon zoom. My monitor is EIZO 24inch-profiled and the usual colour space is Adobe Prophoto. In 2013 moved to fuji x pro 1 with a 18-55 f 2.8 lens and by 2015 switched from Nikon to Fuji using a Metabones adaptor to mount Nikon lenses on the Fuji mirror less. Sept 2015 added the Fuji 50-140mm f2.8 pro grade lens followed by the 10~24mm f4 Fujinon lens in may 2016. Now entirely Fuji glass with the exception of the recently added Nikon 105mm macro and Metabones adaptor. Waiting for Fuji to launch a 300mm f2.8 AF prime...the jpg files OOC are amazing...Bye bye NIKON. My Rolleiflex 3.5F had a CLA & has come out of retirement as I shoot Ilford FP4 and HP5. Recently added another Rolleiflex 3.5 and a vintage Hasselblad 500 CM system with 50mm and 180mm lenses and 3 backs.

My primary interest is black & white but the richness and flexability of digital colour facinates me. Photoshop & digital imaging has evolved & everything we can do in a wet darkroom can now be done on a laptop. Enjoy producing watercolours,line drawings,solarisations, posterisations & abstracts in digital.More recent explorations are in the field of HDR, blending modes. With Adobe policy of charging a monthly fee for use of Photoshop i moved on to Afinity Photo which offers an amazing software for a one time modest fee that does all that CS does and more. Alternative option is Pixbuilder a free application from Wnsoft. If you are only looking for a Raw convertor the RPP 64 (Raw photo processor) may be an option as it open files from any camera. Hasselblad Phocus also works very well. for RAW files from several cameras if you re on a Mac. For b&w i use the NIX suite of software incl the Silver FX pro and the HDR. .

Since 2012 Exhibited in several national and international exhibitions with over 500 acceptances in 40 countries.. Work accepted at prestigious shows such as London Salon of Photography, Royal Photographic Society annual exhibition, PSA annual exhibition, FIP intl circuit, Malmoe Intl, Sydney Harbour, Southampton Intl, Singapore International.and several others..One of my early b&w prints from the 1970's is in the permanent collection of HPF in Ooty.Several digital images are in the collection of the FIP and the International Federation for Photographic Art (FIAP) Luxumburg....Awards include a gold medal at the Singapore Intl. Mid 1970's won the Dr Kosh rolling trophy at the IIT Chennai, the U.N. International Year of the Family 2004 award followed by the Agfanet award in the category "water"..1978 silver medal at the 16th Singapore intl student salon organised by photographic society of Nanyang Univ.....2014 PSA Ribbon at the 3rd JPS Intl- Silver medal at the photo art intl salon in Prague-bronze at the 4th Bardaf exhibition Slovakia-PSA Ribbon at the 2015 FIP Intl circuit- bronze at 2nd Raniganj intl exhibition- 2016 FIP Gold at 1st Serampore Intl, bronze at the Asian Intl 2017. PSA Gold at the Deep Focus intl 2018, HMat the Bugis Circuit Singapore 2020 etc etc....Group show at Lalit Kala Academy Chennai with PSM 2018. followed by a group exhibition on "dance" promoted by Appa Rao gallery , Chennai..Now exploring "alternative techniques from the mid 1800's such as Cyanotypes, Bromoil, Gum Bichromate, Gum oil etc using large format internegatives...Enjoy shooting portraits, seascapes, landscapes, pictorial, dance & fine art. Now also exhibiting on Instagram ............Member of YPS, PSI, PSM, Federation of Indian photography (FIP), IIPC & The Royal Photographic Society (RPS) U.K..& Photographic Society of America (PSA)

My work has been published by Asian photography - Camera Pixo magazine - Fuji X Passion - French Foto - Dummies publication NYC book cover - Lens Magazine - Smart Photography - At a Glance - Fuji Love Magazine - Culturama magazine - Fuji Love e book & several Journals of Royal Photographic Society U.K. and The Photographic Society of America..

May 2020: my first Youtube video went online... "Spring 2020" a collaboration with Kala Ramesh and music by R Chaurasia.

My image of the "Boatman Lake Navisha" selected by the Royal Photographic Society UK...for the 2024 print portfolio... one of twenty images selected from world wide submissions.

Currently an active member and Director of "The Photographic Society of Madras" (India) a club founded in 1857 and the oldest in the country.

- October 2015: AFIP (Artist- Federation of Indian Photography)
- August 2017 : FFIP (Fellow- Federation of Indian Photography)
- January 2018 : AFIAP (Artist Intl Federation for the art of photography)
- January 2019 : EFIAP (Excellence - Intl Federation for the art of photography).
- November 2020 Hon Spider Fellow
- February 2021: PPSA (by the Photographic Society of America)
- February 2022 Hon CPE (Campina Potographic Exhibition)

I admire the work of the late Ansel Adams,Richard Avedon, Terence Donovan, E.Haas,Eric Meola, Cartier Bresson, Galen Rowell,Yousouf Karsh, Jay Maisel,Norman Koren,Art wolfe,Steve McCurry, Pete Turner, Reza Deghati, Manuel Libres Librodo and the list goes on.

- Published work:

- 2005 - Asian photography mag - text & images on "Jaisalmer in the desert".
- corporate brochure for GA
- Nikon links gallery - camera hobby site by Edwin Leong
- Camera pixo mag 26 - text & images -"inspiration from photography".
- Fuji x passion - text & images - "varanasi on the ganges".
- 2013 Interview on UdA fine art site from France
- 2016 - French Foto magazine "behind the glass".
- 2016 images & text on UdA site - "artist from India".
- 2016 aug - Fuji x passion - portfolio of several images.
- GA house magazine - "at a glance" several issues
- 2015 Dec - Fuji love mag - "Xpro1 in india".
- 2017 july - Fuji X passion mag - "exploring India with fuji xpro1".
- Fuji X Passion mag- Portugal Feb 2019 - “dance of the gods”
- Lens mag in Europe -Sept 2018 - “true story”...maasi tribe of kenya
- Smart photography mag July 2018- Monochrome magic image of "mahableshwar club."
- UdA May 2018 – Seascapes in India/Dunescapes
- Camera Hobby web site by Edwin Leong April 2009
- Culturama mag by Global Adjustments – several issues
- Fuji love photography ebook 2018
- VCTPL corporate brochure
- Book cover - "doing business in India for dummies"... Dummies publications NYC
- Pbase magazine
- 2018 prints exhibited at the PSM group show at Lalit Kala Academy, Chennai - India
- 2018 images of dance exhibited by the Appa Rao Gallery , Chennai during the Chennai Lit Festival
- 2019 prints exhibited at the group show "eye of Madras"... at Chennai, India
- 2019 image " flight of the pigeons"- monochrome was published in the FIP book "Blue Sapphire" to celeberate 65 years of FIP
- 2019 Technical paper and photographs on the Cyanotype process published in the Sept issue of "viewfinder"-journal of the FIP.
- 2020 Featured in May Ebook by Fuji X Passion, Portugal....
- 2020 May launched my first youtube video .."Spring 2020"... in collaboration with Kala Ramash and R Chaurasia on the flute...
- 2020 june - live photography talk with sourabh chatterjee on youtube. Recording uploaded :
- 2020 july 19th - this web site got its first 1 million hits....with over 5700 images online.
- 2020 technical paper on converting film negatives to digital- published in Smart photography magazine Sept issue.
- 2020 slide presentation to members of COC India.... Sept19
- 2020 FIP journal Oct issue - Technical article on " Digitising your analog images"...
- 2020 Oct - story - "dance of the Gods"- text & images featured by the Royal Photographic Society on their International page.
- 2020 Nov - Nominee for the 15th Spider black & White awards in category Silhouette and Portrait....
- 2021 Feb - RPS India Chapter launched and one of my Theyyam images featured on the opening page India chapter -
- 2021 Feb - Photographic Society of America Honours - PPSA awarded, My Images featured in PSA India gallery.
- 2021 May - Image "Silhouette" (HM) along with "Reflections" featured in the E Book Fuji X Passion world street photography contest.
- 2021 May - Article & images on FujiXPassion web site - "Tools of my Trade"....
- 2021June - Article & images published on RPS International page - Khjurahao the rediscovered kingdom.
- 2021 July - One of my Kolkata images used in the Haiku website - Triveni Haikai India.
- 2021 Aug.- One image featured on the RPS Intl Members Exhibition - "Windows on the World"...2021
- 2021 Sep - Three Cyanotype prints selected for World Cyanotype Day Exhibition by Chennai Photo Biennale, India
- 2021 Sep - one image accepted by for the World Cyanotype day gallery.
- 2021 Sep - three A4 prints exhibited at Chennai Blues-Cyanotype exhibition, Chennai held by Chennai Photo Binnale 26 sept.
- 2021 Oct - Article on RPS India published by RPS Digital Imaging Group- magazine issue 3/2021... includes my kenya Lake Nakuru image
- 2021 Oct - RPS Landscape magazine published a 5 page portfolio of my images & text. The Allepy fisherman image at sunrise was the magazine cover..
- 2021 Nov - two monochrome images nominated fr the 16th Spider Awards, Beverly Hills, CA- in section Silhouette and People...
- 2021 Dec - two images - "St Pauls London" and "Red lips" selected for the Photographic society of Madras E-book...Confluence 2021 to showcase the best of members work for the year.
- 2022 Jan - Image "Red lips" published by French Photo mag in the category "portraits"....n
- 2022 Sep -Three Cyanotype prints selected for World Cyanotype Day Exhibition by Chennai Photo Biennale, India
- 2022 Sep - one image accepted by for the World Cyanotype day gallery.
- 2022 Nov - RPS Travel magazine published a 6 page article on Durga Pooja with text and images
- 2022 Dec - Photographic society of America (PSA) Winter edition of Travel Journal has published my text and images on Chettinad......6 pages incl a author bio.
- 2023 Jan - My image of dancers has been selected for the “PSA International Print Gallery Show", Kolkata, India.
- 2023 Feb - My monochrome print image "in the forest" accepted at the Royal Photographic Society - DIG Annnual Exhibition.
- 2023 Mar - Article and images on "Altered reality" published in RPS digital imaging group journal no 96
- 2023 Mar - Fuji X Passion Magazine 18 pages text & images on Morocco landscapes
- 2023 Apr - Photographic society of America (PSA) Spring edition of Travel Journal has published my text and images on "theyyam- the dance of the Gods"...5 pages
- 2023 May - Photographic Society of America Journal....5 page article & images on Belur Halebedu temples of Karnataka...incl a double center page.
- 2023 May - Print "Red lips" accepted at the 109th London Salon of photography exhibition, UK.
- 2023 June- PSA Journal Travel Log issue 89 - text and images on Hornbill Festival in Nagaland.
- 2023 Sept -Cyanotype image "alleppy boatman" used to promote CPB Foundation Cyanotype exhibition in Chennai
- 2023 Oct. - RPS Landscape Journal - 6. pages of text &10 images - landscape of Inlay, Myanmar.
- 2023 Dec -RPS Journal by Digital Imaging Group - 2 page article and images on "Banana leaf project"
- 2024 Jan - Van Dyke Printing Article - Technique - Luminous Landscape web site.
- 2024 Feb - Cover page DI News magazine published by the RPS - UK
- 2024 Feb - Article on Cyanotype process with my images published on Luminous Landscape web site from Canada.
- 2024 MAr - Article on "Van Dyke Brown" printing published in the exhibition catalogue of PSM Confluence 2024 in chennai.
- 2024 Mar - Article on LAOS - text & images published on Luminous Landscape web page.
- 2024 Mar - Image "Returning home - Lake Navisha" selected as one of twenty images by RPS for the Print portfolio & book
- 2024 May - Article "painting & textures" published by Royal Photographic Society - Creative Eye journal.... 4 pages with 9 images.
- 2024 July - Article "Bagan- the lost world" published in Journal of photographic Society of America....6 pages incl double page,
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