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AndreasE | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 25-Dec-2011 16:16
I've enjoyed your input on the dpreview Nikon 1 forum and now am very impressed with your galleries. I've just started building on but am very much an amateur. Ever since I got my V1 I've pretty much left my d7000 in it's bag. The V1 is just so much fun to use that I don't want to put it down.

Regards - Burt
David Casler04-Jul-2011 11:11
Nice shots. You do very well with the D5100. I'm wondering what telephoto lens you are using to take those sharp pictures?
Thomas 28-Nov-2010 22:51
Great Galleries. Just wondering what your thoughts were on the quality of images produced by the D7000 in comparison to your other bodies?
Michael Gut 22-Feb-2009 18:00
Hallo Andreas - absolut tolle Fotos, bitte mehr!