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Bert Ooms's Recent Galleries

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20-Jun-2024 17:16
Ameland - nature views
Ameland - nature views
18-Jun-2024 14:10
Ameland birds and more
Ameland birds and more
18-Jun-2024 14:10
Sylvia communis - Common Whitethroat - Grasmus
Sylvia communis - Common Whitethroat - Grasmus
17-Jun-2024 09:26
Exploring field and forest around my house
Exploring field and forest around my house
17-Jun-2024 09:26
Aegithalos caudatus - Long-tailed Tit - Staartmees
Aegithalos caudatus - Long-tailed Tit - Staartmees
08-Jun-2024 17:35
Calidris pugnax - Ruff - Kemphaan
Calidris pugnax - Ruff - Kemphaan
02-Jun-2024 17:13
Turdus viscivorus - Mistle thrush - Grote lijster
Turdus viscivorus - Mistle thrush - Grote lijster
02-Jun-2024 17:11
Sylvia atricapilla - Eurasian Blackcap - Zwartkop
Sylvia atricapilla - Eurasian Blackcap - Zwartkop
02-Jun-2024 17:08
Fringilla coelebs - common Chaffinch - Vink
Fringilla coelebs - common Chaffinch - Vink
30-May-2024 17:36
Ciconia ciconia - White stork - Ooievaar
Ciconia ciconia - White stork - Ooievaar
19-May-2024 14:41
Coccothraustes coccothraustes - Hawfinch - Appelvink
Coccothraustes coccothraustes - Hawfinch - Appelvink
18-May-2024 16:55
Podiceps cristatus - great crested grebe - Fuut
Podiceps cristatus - great crested grebe - Fuut