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Alan K | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Alan K
Name Alan K (joined 09-Jun-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username akmc_in_au
Location Sydney, Australia
Sydney, Australia
View Galleries : Alan K has 178 galleries and 3344 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 899517 times.

View Guestbook : 13 messages. Most recent on 07-Mar-2020.

Message from Alan K
Thank you for visiting. All comments, observations, suggestions etcetera are appreciated, whether I reply straight away or not. For genuine comments left by PBase members, I'll certainly be returning the visit at some point.

The gallery that is updated most often is my Photo A Day gallery. As most of the images are larger than PBase's default size, please ensure that you click on the Original link below the image on the first one that you open to see the photos as intended.

During 2010 I was maintaining a second gallery on SmugMug (which you'll see from some of the watermarks on images from that year) but then PBase got its act together again and I didn't have time to maintain parallel galleries. I'm therefore for all intents and purposes now PBase only, though at the time of writing the SmugMug galleries were still up. How long that remains so depends on how long I can put up with them sending me nagging e-mails about my credit card having expired. (Since writing this it expired, and so did the galleries. They're dead, Jim!)

And now for some interesting links. (Which is to say ones which are interesting to me and which I use regularly; you may not find them so interesting):
- Photographers' Legal Rights in NSW. (Useful for dealing with over-zealous security guards.)
- Digital Camera Warehouse, Canterbury, Sydney.
- A "how to" post for new users wanting to embed links or thumbnails in the captions of their images.

free counters

There used to be links to Canon hardware pages here as well, but Canon keep changing their web site and link-rotting them, and I'm primarily an Olympus shooter these days anyway. So Canon can stuff itself. Companies that can't plan out a web site and keep redirections going for at least a couple of years give me the irrits.
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