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Coolest Person Ever 28-Aug-2008 17:23
George 19-Jul-2006 08:54
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it
Rachel Halliday 25-May-2005 12:26
Thank you very much for providing me with the website for your photographs - they are absolutely amazing! If I ever become half as good as you I will be extremely happy. Your photos have moved me as each one tells a story, they are truly unique ideas and deserve to be on show for everyone to see.
angel 27-May-2003 12:33
It is always fantastic to see someone so enthusiastic about life outside of their career and in particular in art. I love your work because in each photo there is such raw intensity, concerning mood and colour. Your photo's are instinctive yet suggestive, simple but profound. You are an envious contradiction. Having met you on a few occasions, I can confirm that you are also as mad as a mad hatter! AMAZING!!!

YL 17-Feb-2003 02:28

Love your work, very fascinating.Keep up the good work! Take more great pics...YL
Arthur24-Nov-2002 18:09
Thank you for your kind words. I really should check my site more often!


Tom Melanson17-Nov-2002 14:25
Very nice work, indeed!
When you get that 1Ds it is obvious you'll be putting it to good use.
tomr-photos31-Oct-2002 23:07

I found your response to my questions very interesting ("Where is the artistry" - dpreview). I hope you don't mind if I save it.
