19-Aug-2017 15:45

:: Coast of Nordland ::
17-Aug-2017 08:37

:: butterfly ::
15-Aug-2017 18:00

:: Insects - creatures ::
14-Jun-2017 11:25

:: Different places in Trøndelag ::
13-Jun-2017 19:08

:: South - and North Namsenfjord ::
11-Jun-2017 19:16

:: Hurtigruten Trondheim -Kirkenes-Trondheim ::
10-Jun-2017 11:46

:: Fosnes ::
05-Jun-2017 09:10

:: Birds ::
23-May-2017 15:35

:: Today , tomorrow -- --- -- ::
01-Jan-2017 21:50

:: Otterøya 2011- 2012-2o13-2014-2015 ::
09-Nov-2016 19:21

:: Night photos / Nattbilder ::
29-Oct-2016 12:32

:: Leka ::