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All Cameras >> Kiev >> Kiev 4

Kiev 4 Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135
Marketed: 1968
Random Kiev 4 Samples from 42 available Photos more
g3/63/228863/3/53089823.dbarr.jpg g3/63/228863/3/52852381.melting.jpg g3/63/228863/3/54120310.rstream.jpg g3/63/228863/3/53149875.hpb.jpg
g3/37/587037/3/55226501.m_brosiu2.jpg g3/63/228863/3/53056694.k09.jpg g3/37/587037/3/55226509.m_michal_i_korwin.jpg g3/63/228863/3/54545466.sab.jpg
g3/63/228863/3/53103109.0312b.jpg g3/63/228863/3/53056695.k10.jpg g3/63/228863/3/54164299.achur.jpg g3/63/228863/3/54164301.maslo.jpg


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These photos are are a guide to what these cameras are capable of, but may not fully represent the camera due to post-processing, scanning, or photographic technique.
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